Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gratitude Challenge For Days 1 & 2 & UPDATE

This month, I’m participating in a Gratitude Challenge hosted by Brenda at Garden of Learning. The challenge is to write a post each day in November about something that I am thankful for. That’s 30 days of gratitude posts!

Because I missed yesterdays post on the Gratitude Challenge I am doing todays and yesterdays. And the challenge is to post something everyday this month that we are thankful for. Shouldnt be so hard as we should be thankful for everything as the Bible says so here it goes...

Day 1-I am thankful for God's Amazing Grace. I have always loved this song. when i was little because of the i grew older the words. I am thankful for my salvation and for God's love. and with those came God's grace. and He says that His grace is sufficient and He never lies. His grace is sufficient for me and for you too. Do you know Him as your personal Lord and Saviour? If you do not please feel free to contact me at And I will gladly share Him with you.

I don't know how that I would survive witout Him. He is there through my ups and my downs. And I have a lot of those and I admit that I ride the emotional roller coaster but if I look right next to me God is there right beside me helping me and riding it with me because He NEVER leaves me. And even when i ditch Him He is still waiting there for me. So as for day 1 I am thankful for God's Amazing Grace.

Day 2- I am thankful for my family. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful family and He has also blessed me with 2 hands when i just wanna up and slap them sometimes too LOL i'm just kidding on the last part...well

My family has helped me alot in my life. God blessed me with a wonderful husband and 3 beautiful rowdy kids. I love them all so much. My family supports me and they stick by me and they love me no matter how i treat them. Why? because that is what family does. I even have some pretty nifty in-laws so I have been triple blessed with family. :) So for day 2 I am thankful for my family. I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!


My hubby went to the dr and they told him that he has diverticulitis. It is a digestive condition. He has to stay away from a lot of nuts and seeds and things that cause his flare ups. Also fried foods has to be limited to moderation...which to be honest everyone needs to limit that right? but its more so for him. His colon and stomach is infected right now and he is on antibiotics to get rid of it. Prayerfully he will start to be feeling better once those are gone. he also as meds for his flare ups. and he is on a steroid pack. Please pray that this is the true diagnosis and nothing more...the symptoms of diverticulitis and colon cancer are virtually the same. if these meds dont get him better then they have to do a colonoscopy to test for colon cancer. That terrifies me...

Me-well i went to the dr yesterday and they are thinking fibromyalgia which they gave me savella for. but they have to rule out so many things before they can officially say fibromyalgia. so more tests are in the future still for me. I am already premenopausal and i am only 24 years old. They also gave me neurotin. I can deal with the pain. I have been so far. I just dont know if i want to be put on those kind of pills right now with having early onset menopause. i dont want to take the chance of not being able to have any more kids. no i dont want or need anymore right now but in a year and a half or so i want to be able to have another one if i can. plus i hate taking pills...i know that i am being a whine bag about it but it is still my thoughts...i am going to be praying over this really really hard the next few days...I am in a lot of pain but i can deal with it if i need to...i have been so far. I just want to know what is wrong with me...Also one of the test they are testing me is my vitamin D level...hmm....

Well that is it for today i have a lot of things that i need to get done at my house and then start working on the christmas program! So excited about it!



  1. Loved your post for today and glad that in the midst of everything you found something to be thankful for as we all can! Love ya!

  2. God doesnt take us through trials and battles if he isnt planning on seeing us through. God is in charge, and he will do what his will is. I love yall, and am praying for yall! Rejoice! For he is in control and wont let you fall!!!

  3. I've always loved the song Amazing Grace. I've never understood how people can get through hard times without the Lord. I just can't imagine even trying. A good family really is a gift from God.

    It's not easy to find joy and gratitude in the midst of a trial, so keep clinging to the Lord for your strength.

  4. One of my favorite hymns is Amazing Grace. Love it! Great post and I'll be keeping your and your husband's health in my prayers.
