Monday, August 30, 2010

The Plans

Well today we started cleaning the "new" house. The house still looks rough but SOOOOOO much better than it did before. It was/is dirty from the landlord working on it so me, squish, and amanda spent a few hours scrubbing it down...we have a little bit to finish up in the morning/tomorrow afternoon. But we will be able to start setting up the furniture that was donated to us as we had very little of anything. But that is ok at this point if very little matches right now because we aint got to sit in the floor. and a little at a time we will remodel and fix up one room at a time and get nicer furniture for each room after we get the room done...those are the plans anyways. So if we get any visitors just know that it may not be as nice or as well decorated as your beautiful home but someday i will have that but hey you will have a place to sit :)

I am so thankful for my family because they are helping me move and get things ready and set things up to make it as nice as possible. And Squish is even trying to come up with little things to help make my "theme" rooms be a little more of my theme. It is so sweet. She is doing everything in her power to make me a little happier with it. I love her. I love all my in laws and my family. Stephen and Hubby have also spent a lot of time in this house as well and our landlady is working her little old self out trying to make it a nicer home for us. She is so sweet. they are all really going above and beyond for me and my family.

Oh i am so excited...If squish says yes i think i want to host the christmas moms meeting at my house. Like i said things aint gonna match or nothing but i will have lots more room and a place to sit. And i think we would have fun. :) and also so that i can say that i can have a moms meeting in my own home :) i havent gotten to invite friends over since i have been married but very little...i have had a couple people over at a time but never been able to hostess anything. I am just so excited. That was just a thought.

Well I am tired and hurting but I wanted to share my plans and what is going on. Official "MOVING" day is thursday but we will be setting our donated stuff in place tuesday and wednesday! SO EXCITED.

PS we are not moving away in case anybody was wondering. We are moving to the big white house on the corner of our street. right directly across from my mother in law. It is so convenient for all of us and im very happy about the location. It is just next door. from 326 to 340. not sure of why the big number jump but it is literally one yard over...yes im gonna have my own yard! WOOHOO! God has really blessed me so much :)


Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Contract has been signed...OFFICIAL HOMEOWNERS!!!!!!!

Well today was one of my worse days. I have felt sooooo horrible all day. In a lot of pain and horrible spinal headaches but i have such a sweet husband who has been pampering me today. I'm pretty sure i am going to have to go to the dr again. I already know that i am in early onset menopause and i have other issues...and with my oldest daughters birth i had an epidural to go bad...that was almost 2 years ago. Oh well...i dont want to be on pain meds all the time because even tylenol makes me so drowsy and makes me want to just sleep. So i just need prayer. Thanks. God has given me such a wonderful husband to take care of me when i have my "sick" spells and my worse days. God is so good!

In spite of that however, today also brings good and exciting news. this morning my hubby and i went to the bank with our landlords and we signed the contract for our new house! We are officially homeowners...we are so excited. of course there are things that still need worked on but that just goes with the territory. :) We get to start moving next weekend! Labor day weekend. My birthday is that saturday of labor day weekend! My hubby got me a house for my birthday! What an awesome birthday present lol. I think i will get him a new recliner for valentines day (with income taxes of course) as that was the deal. if he got me a bigger house then i would get him a new chair since i made him get rid of the other one. I am so excited about my gift :) My hubby did great didnt he? Thank you Lord for providing this wonderful opportunity and thank you hubby for my birthday present!

The house is now $26,000 because the electrician bill was higher than landlord expected but i knew it would be. :) but me and the hubby are fine with that as that is still a superb deal we are getting.

Well I am going to sign off of here and go lay back down as I am not feeling very good still. And me and hubby are gonna do a little packing tomorrow but also enjoy the day together. Maybe do a little "window" shopping for kids' christmas and house wants. i really want to have my bedroom painted too before we move...that is just a want but its what i have my heart set on...we may or may not have the money to buy the paint but hey i know that God is in control. And im a very greatful person right now to be blessed as much as i am. God is good!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Love is a powerful thing...

Well Sunday night I got to sit with my hubby in church for the first time in a LONG time. You see my hubby works at Andy's and he is one of the managers. so he usually is scheduled to work on sunday morning and closes on wednesday night (wednesdays he does inventory). So he usually get to go to church on sunday night. It was such a blessing. Bro. Chris Dallas preached an amazing sermon from the Lord. And my hubby and I kneeled at the altar to pray together and we rededicated our lives to the Lord and having a christian home for our children to grow up in and we want to train our children and show them God's Love not only at church but also in our home. Please pray for us because it is so easy to let the devil in just by our attitudes and the way we live our lives. And please pray for me as you know how the saying goes "if she aint happy aint nobody happy" and its true when they say that the woman is the temperature of the home. Because if im not happy then it seems to flood over to my family members: my hubby and my babies. And i most certainly dont want to be a stumbling block. i struggle with my prayer life and my devotion life. I seem to "NEED" God when things are downhill but when things go great again i ditch Him and shame on me for doing that! I am so glad that He treats me so much better than the way i treat Him. He always welcomes me back with open arms. Thank God for His mercy and His grace. Because He give me far more than what I deserve. In family devotions tonight i read Psalms 119:174 "I have longed for thy salvation, O LORD; and thy law is my delight." I remember when i got saved that i longed for His salvation and His saving grace and I wanted to follow His law and i was happy. Why does it have to be any different nearly 16 years later? it dont. and with His help it wont be.

Well today was a super busy day. today i tackled mount foldmore. I had washed all my clothes and never folded them. i was super busy with the revival and then we are fixing to get ready to move and overall i have just been stressed and not feeling very good. Well i let my clothes get so behind that there was literally nothing left to wear for most of us. That was at least 2 weeks worth of laundry. Well i washed and washed and kept adding it to the pile to fold and put away later. well i got it all done except folding the socks and ironing 4 shirts. it took me 4 hours to fold and hang all those clothes! well lets just say i was exhausted! but im rather proud of myself...the rest of the house is for the morning.

Tonight my mother in law came over and we watched "17 Again" and it was pretty good. I enjoyed it. It made me think about how easy is it to complain about how we are or where we are in life or blame others for our actions. But shouldnt we own up to them. And were those actions good or bad? would you go back and change anything? Thinking back i wouldnt change the good or the bad because i wouldnt be where i am now if i did. And i love my husband and i love my kids and i love where God has me and i dont want to change what God has for me. lol kinda funny that a movie would make me think of things like this but thats ok because it was a thought worth thinking. I love my husband so much and i want to grow closer to him everyday as i grow closer to God. I want my babies to see the love we have for each other and our love for the Lord. I want to be able to be a good role model for them, in life, the way i live for God, and in my marriage. God gave me a good looking ;), softhearted, very loving man! I love you so much Jonathan Raymond Love Sr. Thank you for choosing ME as your bride. I wouldnt change it for the world or choose anybody different. I dont care how much you make, or how big or little you are, how sick or healthy you are I LOVE YOU. when i said i do for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health i said I DO one of the few best words that i have ever said and with God's grace we will get to do it again :) And i didnt stutter when i said them...I LOVE YOU!

well Im pretty tired and hurting and i have more household chores to do when i get up so i am signing off of here with a smile on my face and joy in my heart...

Jenny Love

Friday, August 20, 2010

God's Amazingness!

Well i have many mixed emotions going through me right now and of course i am absolutely certain it is the devil. we had revival tonight and God moved so greatly in the church tonight but of course i was in the nursery. Dont get me wrong I LOVE MY NURSERY em love em love em but i have a teensy bit of a jealous emotion right now cuz when things go on at the church or whereever i am the one who seems to miss it...just once i would love to see God move in such a great way. but i dont have enough volunteers right now to work so i do the work myself so that others can get the opportunity to hear the Word of God but i am at the point that i desperately need church and i need the opportunity to be passed on to me as i read these posts and hear these people talking of how the night was so amazing and i missed out and so yeah i know its petty and whatever but i have that teensy bit of a jealous emotion going on...dont get me wrong i am sooooooooooo glad that God moved and worked wonders tonight i just wished i couldve been in there to see it too but hey the babies needed me and we had a blast. :)

Well how about a positive note on how God moved? God is sooooo amazing. I was working in the nursery and all of a sudden my hubby comes and gets me to step out for just a minute and he was balling like a im thinking uh oh what is going on? he is balling and hugging me for like 5 minutes and not saying anything just hugging me and crying on my shoulder so in my brain (i remained calm on the outside) was thinking what is going on? did somebody die? is someone in the hospital? what? im starting to flip out in my brain...but then my wonderful hubby starts talking and he is telling me how God got ahold of his heart and broke down the walls that He has had put up for a really long time. and there has been so many ups and downs lately. It was just amazing to see God moving in Him. no i may not have been in that building and seeing everything but God allowed me to get just a little taste of His awesomeness. so thank you God for that!

Well please pray for me as I am potty training my oldest 2. Can you say stubborn? My son knows what to do but is perfectly content just being dirty and wet and he is 3 years old (turned 3 in may) He is just being lazy! And now on top of this we will be moving by labor day! But i am so stinking excited about getting a much better house. (i live in a 1 bedroom now with 3 babies and my hubby) and we will be moving next door and still staying across the street from my in laws. It used to be a duplex and my landlord is in the process of finishing fixing it up for us and he is selling it to us for $25,000 financed through interest...and no bank! God is so good. it is a 5 bedroom, 2 bath, kitchen, mini kitchette, breakfast nook, dining room, and a livingroom. i have so many plans and themes for each room and eventually im gonna have everything i ever dreamed...and the first one is coming true soon! (as far as the house that is cuz my dreams of being married and having beautiful babies and an amazing family has come true already!) im gonna actually own a house and get to do what i want to with it :) im just so excited. Plans for decorating the next few years...Livingroom...Dallas Cowboys! furniture and all :) Office (1 bedroom) hubby wants razorbacks. Kitchen, breakfast room, and dining room is a sea/ocean theme. Jrs room...spiderman and friends. NeNes room...disney princess. and ZZs room is tinkerbell. Kids bathroom is frogs. And the other bathroom and mini kitchenette will be zebra! :) im pretty excited! We sign the contract on the 26th of this month and can start moving anytime after that but most likely not til labor day due to last minute touches. well i gotta go. its late and im tired. but im so very blessed and thankful for Gods goodness and mercy!

Love in Christ,

Haven't posted in awhile because...

Well i just spent the last 4 1/2 hours trying to figure out and recover my username and password but well hey i finally found it so im gonna try this blogging thing one more time. i have emailed myself all of my information so that if this happens to happen again it will be easily found lol.

I'm keeping this short and sweet for now until i get up later in the day and can blog about what is new in my life. bare with me as i'm new to blogging (kind of a pro at facebooking lol) but i want to step away from only facebooking. dont get me wrong i love facebooking and playing on my frontier and things but there is sometimes i just want to start journaling. writing down my thoughts and just kind of keeping somewhat of a diary of my life and the things and people in it. and hey this way is cheaper as it saves on ink/lead/paper. :) well it is super late and way past my bedtime so i am signing off for now and will blog again later and tell my latest news...stay tuned...
