Friday, January 27, 2012


Wow it is almost the end of January already :0 this month has been going by quickly. I am just thinking about the things ahead for this year...My little man turns 5 at the end of May. Where did the time go???? It is so crazy to me and hard to fathom that he will be starting school this august. But he will be and I think it will be really good for him too. Although it will be something to get used to that he will be gone during the day during the school week learning. But I am excited to get to hear about his day went at school and what he learned :) But i still have a few more months to get ready for his 1st day of school. I will probably be one of those crazy mommas that cry on his first day after he leaves haha. Oh well. NeNe turns 4 in October. And ZZ turns 2 in April. CRAZY how fast they grow up. God really has blessed me alot with these 3 kiddos. Is it always easy? of course not but God has blessed me. I wouldnt know what to do without my 3 babies.

I havent done so good with my healthier eating...I really should be ashamed because i havent even been trying. It's sad but true. But i am determined to start after girls night!.. I aint gotta be perfect at it but at least i can try. PRAY FOR ME PLEASE!

In the toddler Sunday School class we have been doing the days of creation...1 each week. The kids and I have been having a lot of fun with it. Next we will be doing the fruit of the spirit but we still have 4 more weeks left of creation.

My hubby and i still have an unspoken that we just cant share yet. Maybe soon. But in the meantime prayers are appreciated.

Well i am off to go spend some time with my hubby and the kiddos. I love when my hubby is off :) and i love my family so very much :) I really dont have a lot to blog about today haha.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions...

Wow...2012 already. I guess thats time to set some new years resolutions...please pray that i actually stick to them. I REALLY REALLY need to lose weight. i HATE the way i look. To do that requires eating healthy. I am going to focus on eating healthier right now...i also want to focus on being more positive which i think will actually help me in my healthy eating. i dont want to just say i am gonna eat healthy i want to actually do it. To go with them i want to become more faithful with my daily devotions and prayer life which again will help with me eating healthy and positivity. This is something that not only do i want to do but something i NEED to do. Everything started today but the healthy eating...the healthy eating will begin on the 2nd because of my hubbys food tradition he does on new years day. Please please pray for me cuz i really need them. I have something heavy on my heart and mind and i cant share just yet but i am a major worrier and I really just need to give it to God because He is the one who is in control. There are new blessings in store for me this year and I am ready to receive them. And ready to make me a better me. Mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. God has and is so good to me.

Jenny Love