Monday, December 26, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year...

This year we tweaked our Christmas tradition just a tad bit and its most likely gonna somewhat stick with my sister in law having got married and moving away. This year Christmas was on a Sunday. As if Sunday aint a busy enough day LOL. But we made it work and it actually went fairly smoothly. We used to host dinner christmas day but hubby and his daddy decided to switch it up since Amanda and Anthony got married and its easier for everyone to get together and spend christmas day together. They were at our house in time to celebrate Christmas Eve dinner so it was fine and dandy with us. Truth be told I actually like that we are doing Christmas Eve now instead of Christmas day with hubby's birthday being the day after Christmas. I get a day in between there LOL. Anyways, Hubby came home and cooked dinner after he got off work and the in-laws came over and we had our "stocking christmas." We chose Christmas Eve a few years ago after me and the hubby got married and moved out on our own to exchange stockings on Christmas Eve with his family. We loved our stuff. Nene LOVES her hippo haha. Her momo and papaw got her a stuffed pink hippo. Ever since she was really little she has been fascinated with hippos. I have no idea why. She got so excited. With her hippo she got a brush that her and her papaw picked out together at walmart. And she was brushing the hippos hair. Jr and nene got some stuff as well. Me and the hubby got some nice stuff as well.

Christmas Day. Instead of setting out the gifts the night before we told the kids that we would set out cookies for Santa and Chippey (elf on the shelf) that morning and that if they were really good at church that maybe Santa and chippey would bring their presents when they got home from church. Me and the hubby decided that it would be best to do it that way since Christmas was on Sunday morning and we felt that it is not fair to the kids to teach them that Christmas is about Jesus' birthday and not even show up for His Party and skip church. Jr was the best he has ever been at church. He was soooo good. The hubby cooked breakfast for us that morning just like we normally do on christmas morning and we ate together as a family. (we dont normally cook breakfast at breakfast time only on christmas morning and every once in awhile) Then off we went to church. There wasnt very many kids so me and my mother in law combined the kids and Ms. Donna taught the 2 toddlers. it actually went really well. After church we came home and SURPRISE chippey and Santa came to visit.

This year Jr is at that age he knows exactly what to do and nene too. Bird well she was a bit slow and kept wanting to play with the toys as they were opened so i helped her out. But Jr was so funny he ripped the paper off the presents so fast that paper was flying everywhere. He was SOOOO excited. Thankfully hubby has a camera that takes pictures fast HAHA or we might have missed getting pictures of him opening his gifts LOL. Nene was just as excited but she took her time and enjoyed opening the gifts...a happy medium between her brother and her sister. Nenes favorite toy from me and her daddy was her mini la la loopsie. She carries her around everywhere. I didnt even know that she knew what La La Loopsie was until we were in the toy aisle and she asked for a lala loopsie for her purse. she wanted the little one so she could take her places in her purse so we bought her a mini one. Jr's favorite toy is his drum set. He said he is just like Jon Sr (thats what he has been calling his daddy ever since jonathan taught him that his name is Jonathan Sr and Jr's name is Jonathan Jr so that he knew what his real name was and his daddys name. not bubba or just Jr.) His daddy has rock band and has a drum set that he likes to play so jr was so ecstatic about his drums. He loves them!!!. Birdie's favorite toy was Her purple baby and her purple baby stroller. She has become quite the little baby sitter. She loves to take care of her dollies. They had other toys and clothes as well those were their favorites from us.

Christmas with the In-Laws came. We went across the street and ate a late lunch/early dinner. It was yummy too. My mother in law and father in law cooked. We talked and we laughed and just really enjoyed ourselves. Anthony has blended in with the family already (he became a part of it in August) and we love him to be around. Especially my kids. They love their uncle tony! they ask about him and nana both alot when they are gone. We are glad to have added him to the mix :) he makes a great addition. Well we split up the gifts from everybody and put everybodys in a pile next to the respective persons. And we started with the youngest and went to the oldest. So birdie went first and nana had to help her or we would still be waiting for her to open all her gifts HAHA. She got several gifts but i would have to say her top favorites were the baby food and little baby stuff and her baby swing from her MoMo, Papaw, and T and when nana opened the giraffe from nana and uncle tony she got soooooo excited! she was jumping up and down with excitement. HA nana had to open the rest of her gifts while birdie played with her baby and her giraffe. They did so great with what they got her. They play with all their toys now but those i believe were her favorite gifts. Nenes turn!! Her and T had a blast opening her gifts. Nene (my little 3 year old) put her T (her uncle) to work haha. She put him in charge of organizing and holding her gifts as she opened them. It was hilarious to watch. Every time she opened a gift she would show it to T and have him hold it and put it with the rest of her opened packages. Her top favorite tho was her T bought her a little stuffed la la loopsie. She was soo excited and she was telling him about it. he had to convince her to open her next gifts lol. then she got to the mini tea lala loopsie that her papaw and momo got her and she also got a lalaloopsie bus. Im telling yall this child is addicted to la la loopsie all from a commercial. but they are cute little dolls. She informed me that she wants a lala loopsie birthday im gonna be a busy momma making her decorations and hunting down decorations thankfully my mother in law and a friend gave me a couple places to look for. What my baby girl wants she gets HAHA. Shhe is old enough now to know what parties she wants. and she is opinionated too. She also likes her rainbow dress from nana and uncle tony. She is one of those girls who wrestle with the boys and plays sports and loves football but she is gonna look good while she does it HAHA. Such a cutie. Jr wow he was hilarious. At first he only wanted to open the "pretty presents the ones with cars wrapping paper." but uncle tony convinced him to open up the presents wrapped in other paper as well. I guess he thought there was a lot of presents cuz with a straight face he looked at uncle tony and said "good grief" and started opening the non pretty wrapped gifts LOL we laughed soooooo hard. i still laugh just thinking about it. He is so much like his daddy he can make me laugh even if im upset. i love him so much He got so excited over his little blue handcuffs. He loves them. He said he is a policeman LOL. they also got him a a spiderman basketball shirt that he loves. I have a feeling that im gonna be washing that shirt alot. His papaw is gonna think he never takes baths cuz he always puts that shirt on right after i wash it. haha. Of course he is like a little fish and he begs to take bubblebaths. So thats not a problem. they got him several other gifts. He started jumping up and down when he opened up his basketball goal and basketball from his momo and papaw. he LOVES basketball. After we got him home and me and his daddy were putting away and putting together all of their presents his daddy set up the basketball goal in jrs room. they ditched me for a few minutes. The next thing i know they both snuck off to his spiderman room and they were playing basketball together. As much as i hated to break up their fun i was NOT putting all those toys together and away by myself haha there was way too many. But i am so glad that that is something they can do on hubbys off day when the weather doesnt permit them to be able to go outside. Jr also liked his wrestlers from T. Like i said they got a ton of gifts but i just mentioned their tops. Nana, Uncle Tony, MoMo, Papaw, and T did really great on their christmas. They loved everything.

Christmas afternoon after we cleaned up after the kids' christmas and opened all their stuff so they could play with it me and the hubby opened up our gifts from each other and of course the silly tradition that we started our very first christmas of buying ourself a gift and we had to open it up and not tell the other what we bought ourself. (it all started with our first thanksgiving we went to poplar bluff and we did christmas at thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle and they gave us each a gift card and told us that we had to spend it on ourself and we promised that we would buy something for ourself. Because we had no money to buy christmas we went shopping. We bought something for our self and then used the rest of the money to by gifts for the other person. thats how the tradition started. its something that we do and we love it. its definately different but its ours.) I bought myself a pair of snuggie slippers :) Hubby bought me a zebra bedding set and i got the one i wanted too!!!!! its black with zebra trim i love it. I also got a new phone!!!! he bought me a pantech matrix. i am still getting used to it but i love it. I also got a silver and black zebra phone case to go with it. I got some eeyore jammies and eeyore house shoes. COMFY!!! i got me 600 baby pictures that i can add to a little at a time. I have been begging for my kids' baby pictures for 4 years HAHA ever since jr was a little baby. I got some pink speakers so that i can watch movies on the computer when he is playing the game :) I also got some faith Hill perfume, a watch that i can wear its rubber and has no metal in it at all (i am allergic to metal so i have never been able to wear a watch) I also got mario cart and its as much as i thought it would be!!!! Yes he spoiled me a lot!!! At the in-laws i got a pink swiffer mop!!! :) a zebra blush set, manicure set, scrunchies, brush set, tuppaware bowls, waffle maker, donut maker, popcorn popper, cheese grater, slicer thing, and a drainer thing, a razor & body wash gift set, and some cds :) . that was from T, Squish, and Poppa Smurf. Then from Amanda and Anthony i got a pretty picture that goes in my kitchen (i hung it up as soon as i got home LOVE IT) a wall decor plate hanging that went beautifully in my room, friends picture frame, a laundry sign for my door, a dallas cowboys bag :) :) , :) and i know that i am missing some things but i didnt sleep well at all and birdie is playing loudly in the background but i LOVED everything i got. everyone did such a great job. and they were thoughtful and got me what was me. It was a fabulous 2 days. I loved the fellowship and family time and the food and the gifts that i got. :)

For hubbys 25th birthday i sent him on a clue hunt to find his family, pizza, and presents HAHAHA. He loves the ninja turtles a lot. I bought him the dvd set for him for his bday. we watched the first one tonight. We came up with clues that fit donatello, michalangelo, raphael, leonardo, and splinter and he had to go to each place that we set up around town to get his next clue until eventually he found us. 5 different clues. HAHA i wanted it to be memorable for him. And of course i couldnt just hand him the presents LOL. It was raining so we had to do our backup scavenger hunt instead of the ninja turtle one that i originally planned. but this one was more cost officiant and just as fun :). I am calling it a tie. LOL the guys completed their list first but there was a few kinks in there haha. But it was fun. that was the purpose of it not to see who was better. I had a blast. It was a great time. Then we came home and played mario cart and watched the first TMNT. Yes these last few days were great. now off to enjoy my stuff and spend time with my hubby he is off the next 4 days!!! YAY!!!! i love it when he is off. and i love spending time with my family. I also have some major cleaning up to do from this weekend. :) i hope everyone had a very merry christmas!!!


I love Sr, Jr, NeNe, & ZZ Love

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


It's been awhile since I have blogged. The reason is cuz on my computer i have to go under a completely different internet then the one i normally use to sign in to my blog. which is also why i dont comment a lot on peoples blogs. I do want yall to know that i do read what you write. But on my hubbys computer i can go straight to my blog and sign in. Crazy. Hubby hasnt had the time to sit down and figure it all out for me yet cuz he has been working.

Well Christmas is coming up. Which means that the Children's Christmas Program at church is coming up soon so I have been busy stressing over it LOL. My mother in law is in charge of the over all program and she does a wonderful job. The teachers work hard to get their plays together and the kids get to shine. I think this is the first year that has really just stressed me out. so it must be a good one. Oh sure i have just the babies and toddlers but i want their play to be just as cute and good :) This years theme is Happy Birthday Jesus. I am so excited!!!!

To me Jesus is the reason for the Season. If Christ hadnt been born we wouldnt have CHRISTmas. But do we tend to let Him get overshadowed or pushed to the side for trivial not as important things? Say how much we spend on someone or how many gifts we give to our children. I know i stressed alot about getting all of my gifts for my family and I didnt think about Jesus being born as much while i was stressing. I was just thinking last night shame on me for doing that. Am I saying that we shouldnt do christmas gifts at all? no. Would i have bought anything different that i bought for christmas? no but i wouldve eliminated the stressing out and bad moods from the stressing out. So I am gonna try something...Everytime that I start to stress about something that concerns Christmas. I am gonna Pray and thank God for giving us His precious Son and giving us something to celebrate. Anyways that was just food for thought.

I am going to start selling Scentsy in January or February as soon as i get the money to get started. I need a way to help bring in some money for my family and stay at home for the most part with my kids too. This way I can. My sister in law is selling Avon because her and her hubby need the extra money as well. Here is her link if you could be a blessing to her :)

I have an unspoken that I am not willing to share at the moment but would much appreciate the prayers. I will share when the time is right but that time is just not right now. If you could pray for me I would greatly appreciate it.

I am so blessed. I really am. God has given me so much and keeps on giving to me. And yet II stray and run away from Him so much. I struggle in my devotions and Prayer life. And i didnt say not a word about it to anyone except my hubby that i would love to have a daily devotion book to help me get into the habit of doing my daily devotions. God heard my heart and He answered using a sweet lady in the Mom's Friendship Circle. Last night we Our Christmas Mom's Meeting and we gave our prayer partner a gift. One of the several things that I got from my Prayer Partner was a daily devotion book!!!!! i am soooo excited. plus i got 2 chicken soup for the soul books one for couples and one for familys. i LOVE those books but hardly am ever able to get one. I was sooooooo happy when i received my gift!!! Yes God is so good!

Well off to work on the Nursery Christmas Play


Jenny Love

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

God Will Make This Trial A Blessing...

Well its been a few weeks since i have updated. So here it goes...

I ended up losing the baby and having a D&C and having me cervix stitched. I dont know why I had to have it stitched that is just what the dr told us. We do know for 100% that we lost the baby because I had B+ blood and the baby had B- which they said is uncommon and its usually the other way around where the mother had negative blood and the baby has positive. What made it even more unusual was the fact that jonathan has O+ blood so both parents having positive blood and the baby having negative is really rare and the chances of it happening again is rare. That is what we were told anyways.
I really am ok. I am much stronger than what people give me credit for. I am so ready to get back to working nursery again and serving God again. Sitting around doing nothing while everyone else is doing stuff drives me crazy! LOL it really just bothers me. If i say that my heart dont still hurt i would be lying but my 3 little munchkins are very therapeutic and they make me see what I have rather then focusing on what I dont have. There are those who say "take a break from nursery" or "give your heart time to heal" but what those dont understand is the longer i stay away the longer it will take my heart to heal. I cant run away from my 3 babies so I cant run away from serving God in an area that I love to serve in. Yes...I lost a baby and it hurts but God is going to make this trial a blessing just like He has in any other trial that He let me go through. I am putting my faith and trust in Him to do so. I love my nursery kids and i love my own kids and my family and running away from it wont do me any good at all. No i did not know about the baby but the thought of losing it hurts all the same as if i had known. But at the same time letting the hurt control me wont do any good for me. Proverbs 17:22 and Romans 8:28 helps get me past it and then looking at what God has given me sure helps. God mends broken hearts and I trust that He has a purpose of why i went through what I went through. God will see me through this as well. That is so comforting to me. So when I say I am ok I really am ok. And those moments I want to cry God will help me be ok then too. He cares and He loves me and He has blessed me with a wonderful family and friend. :)

Having said all that My brother in law has been having tests ran and he has a few more to still have done. Please continue to pray for Him. God is seeing us and his parents and Him through this trial as well. Thankfully we heard good results. Were they perfect and did they come back saying that nothing was wrong and everything was all hunky dory? no but He doesnt have cancer and He doesnt Have the heart condition where he will drop dead for playing basketball so in my opinion that is great news! I was so scared of those 2 comebacks but they ruled them out. I know that they were 2 very big possibilities. He does have asthma and high blood pressure and we dont much after that and he can resume all the normal teen activities and he doesnt have to be a bum anymore LOL i understand how he felt cuz i have had to be a bum the last 2 weeks and it just drives a person crazy LOL. We can be lazy when there is something to do but when we are told that we cant do something that is when we want to it the most LOL ironic i know LOL. God is sooooo good to us. He gives us just what we need. Totally praising God for His goodness and mercy!

You know it is crazy how we praise God when the going gets tough but when the going gets good then thats when we want to ditch Him. Its awful. I am praying that I dont do that to Him anymore. Sometimes I am not a very good friend to Him even though He never leaves me or treats me the way that I treat Him. And even though I ditch Him sometimes He is still there waiting to for me to come home and give me a big hug and hold me close to Him.

Well this saturday is my little red heads 3rd birthday. She has brought me such joy and happiness. 1 of my 3 little blessings. I love you so much Charity-Anne Love.

Well i hope that everyone is doing well! Off to spend some much needed time with my hubby. He is so good to me. He takes such good care of me and He is because He loves me and He wants to. Not because He has to. I love Him so much.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Joke Is On Us

Ok warning this could get to be a tad graphic but this is MY blog and i will write what i want...

I have been really hurting and "sick" (not morning sickness either) for a week. but the last 3 days...saturday, sunday, and monday i was in extreme pain...i am pretty good at staying calm and and faking it til i make it...and sunday i definately did a good job at it lol. Anyways yesterday i was in soooooooooooooooooooo much pain lower back, pelvic area, stomach it was just about unbearable. and jonathan was working yesterday til 4 and then had to go get the tire fixed after that. and i was hurting really bad and he said he would stay home from class but i told him no i would be ok until he got home. i made it til 6 what was 3 more hours? I told him the best way i could describe the pain was like when i was in labor those last 2 weeks of nene and i was in just so much pain. i even counted the intense pain it was 30 seconds every 3 minutes. and he made the joke about well if its every 10 seconds call me and go to the hospital. (background...jr was playing basketball with stephen and his pants fell down and we all started laughing. he looked at us all with a stoned shocked face and said "this is not funny" lol) so i told my hubby in the words of jr "this is not funny" and we were laughing. and i was like im not pregnant besides i took a test 3 weeks ago and it said not pregnant. so we laughed and he gave me a pain pill and his mom and brother came and got the kids (which im so glad they werent home). I fell asleep in the recliner and about 8:30 pm (i coulda been hallucinating from the pain pill LOL) i swear i saw the ninja mouse (more about that later LOL) sitting on the foot rest of the recliner staring at me when i woke up. Well i had to go pee and as i was getting up lets just say stuff starting falling out...large handsized amounts...(i had been passing quarter size clots all day) but this was WAY worse. So i quickly gathered it up and texted squish to come over to my house now!! and she came a running (i know i freaked my daddy in law out but i tried to warn him to stay on the porch...he is just a stubborn he wishes he wasnt so stubborn now LOL) and seen what was in my hand a HUGE and i mean HUGE blood clot (but we wasnt sure what it was)(on a shirt actually). i go change clothes and off we go to the ER and my texting queen sis in law texted everyone and squish starting making phone calls and hubby rushed to the ER from class.

We sat in the room a few hours and im still passing huge clots and they are drawing blood and running tests...then about 10 or 11 they came in and said that i was between 6 and 10 weeks pregnant and had miscarried. i was like WHAT!!!!!????? no way. i was trying to prevent it and i was trying to lose weight and get ready for the wedding renewal. I was just in total shock. after they left i just started crying on my hubby blaming myself. and whatever. well about an hour and half later the ultra sound tech came in and said the dr wanted to do an ultra sound and just check to make sure everything was gone or if id have to stay and get cleaned out basically...and it confirmed i was definately pregnant but the tech said well it looks like you are gonna pass it but i cant say that officially the dr who is looking at it will come and tell you the results we waited about 30 minutes to an hour...well guess what im apparently 8 weeks pregnant and am on strict bed rest i lost too much blood (10 pounds worth) and im in danger of losing the baby but i have a 50/50 chance of not if i go home and do just absolutely nothing. so this is what i am doing. im having another baby! what!? so crazy and totally not planned. please pray that the baby makes it because we are done after this one. we cant do this anymore. i have always wanted 4 (wasnt planning on even trying for another year) and was told already that im going through early onset menopause. but they said that it wasnt anything i could have blood is opposite of the babys. thankfully i have a universal doner hubby. they gave me 2 shots one for the blood and another for the pain and i was able to go home. but every pregnancy has been worse. and me and him just cant emotionally take it anymore...neither can the rest of the family both sides mine and his...but if this one makes it we are getting that spring thingy done...they shoot a spring that grows your tubes together and prevents you from getting pregnant permanently and its not reversible. i fought it last time cuz i wanted just one more baby if we could. but im not fighting it any more. my heart cant take this emotional stress any more. but anyways thanks for all the prayers and even though we were joking about it HAHA it turned around on us and now the joke is on us when the dr was like SURPRISE you are 8 weeks pregnant. Now its the fun task of getting medicaid (which ive been put on the urgent list maybe that will speed them up) and getting in to seeing dr. booker. wow. im still trying to take it all in and rest of course.

hubby just texted and said i have an appointment at 10 am friday! wow i guess urgent means something!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Update on ZZ

Thursday ZZ was officially released from the burn unit. This happened On Sunday night January 9, 2011 I had made Myself a glass of hot tea and was going to relax and let her and her brother and sister wind down and get ready for bed. Her sister wet her clothes and I sat my tea down out of their reach (I thought) and started changing her sister. Unknown to me she crawled over and grabbed the glass. Before I could get to her, she spilled the hot tea on herself and she got burned from the neckline to waist in the front And top of diaper area. Oh i felt so horrible. I just knew thgat she was gonna be scarred up and it was gonna be all my fault and she would have to live with it the rest of her life. But she doesnt! God is so good He has completely healed her! I am so grateful for all of the prayer that was sent out on her behalf! Thank you again from the bottom of mine and jonathans heart and other family!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Master

Well the time has come and gone. My sister in law married her best friend Anthony Master on Saturday, August 6th at 3:30 pm. The wedding was absolutely beautiful. I was one of the bridesmaids in it. I felt priveleged. i really felt privileged when she asked specifically of a picture of just me and her! totally didnt expect that. I mean i expected to be in pictures but not one of just me and her. It really made me :).

We had some issues at the beginning...some of the help with food preparation ran late and the biggest thing was the hair dresser! she showed up REALLY late it was ridiculous how late she was. That was the 2nd time she was supposed to come through for us and it was the 2nd time she fell short so needless to say me and Squish are on the hunt for a new hair dresser. LOL But thats ok it all turned out great.

Oh and my mother in law got super fancy and even wore makeup! The first time i have seen her wear makeup in 5 years! she really should more often. She was beautiful...not that she aint without LOL she looked beautiful in a different way!

Well it was time to start and the ceremony was beautiful but before time for the bride to walk the brides daddy AKA my father in law broke down and had his moment. He cried He was happy for her but sad at the same time. It was sweet and emotional! And it was hard on him...i think he still needs a few more days to adjust LOL. But it was so sweet. I am glad that they have a father/daughter moment that they will always remember. I didnt have that with my dad being passed away when i was 3. So it really makes me smile knowing that they have that special moment to look back on.

I dont think it could have been any more of a perfect wedding for her. She got everything that she wanted and that is just wonderful! Im so happy for them!

Today they finished moving to their new home in McAlester, Oklahoma to help in a ministry at Cornerstone Baptist Church. I ish them well and love and happiness! I will miss her but hey life goes on! I gained a new brother in law and whats better than adding to the family? I love family!

So to end this blog post Congratulations Anthony & Amanda Master We are praying for you always and we love you! Enjoy this new life and love that you have and make new memories!

Janine Mullinax Photographer of Jag & Dyl's Photography took these and did an amazing job! thank you Janine!

They are all good but the last one is my favorite! so sweet and sentimental!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Very Eventful Weekend & 25th Anniversary Wedding Renewal

Well this past weekend was very eventful. Our weekend started out with me and my mother in law getting robbed. We were decorating for her 25th anniversary wedding renewal and usually we lock up the doors every time we leave one building and go to another but for some odd reason we didnt. It was late and we just wanted to get the auditorium of our church finished decorating. Well some time between when my sister in law cleaned up and left to the time that we went back over to the fellowship hall (10:15 pm-1:01 am) we discovered mine and her purses were stolen and lets not forget kays snowflake chrystals she was gonna use to finish up their wedding cake decoration. LOL dont know why they wanted those but i hope they enjoyed them LOL. My mother in law had just cashed her hubbys paycheck earlier that day so they lost his entire paycheck along with other vital cards and information. I lost $1 and other vital cards and information. That was how our weekend started. So their honeymoon got cancelled and we used the money that wouldve been used and sent them to dinner they were gonna do something and enjoy it. but we will get to that part in a little bit. We talked to A policeman and reported it then went home.

Saturday morning. Time to get ready for this wedding renewal (thank God the decorations were untouched and we were safe) she receives a text saying (an hour before the appointment)that her hair dresser was not gonna fix her hair. So i had to call a sweet friend (janine) and she came to the rescue. Of course we are on and off the phones all morning so we were running late. But janine came to our rescue and fixed amanda's and squish's hair and did a beautiful job! Ms. Peggy got my girls dressed and ready to start. She did everything i asked her to do and more. Kay finished up the cakes and did an amazing job on them as usual and Stacy helped me finish setting up the food for the reception. These ladies majorly stepped up and helped me in my crazy frantic state to finish everything up. Amanda, Stephen, Jonathan, and Anthony did as well. We all pulled together and made it through this.

Saturday Afternoon. we were ready to start. My hubby and father in law walked in and the wedding had begun. (Anthony was the sound and video man and helped with the ceremony) Amanda walked with nene while she was throwing her flower petals she was so cute and amanda was beautiful! Then me and jr walked down the aisle while he was carrying his ring bearer pillow. Then stephen and ZZ walked down the aisle. Then it was time for the bride to walk down the aisle. It was so sweet. My father in law starting crying when Dylan and Squish started walking down the aisle. So awesome that after 25 years he still cried and seen her beautiful! and she is! It was just a wonderful, sweet, and loving service. My hubby did a great job performing it! and i dont regret doing anything or buying anything for it. I would do it all over again just the next time during decoration i would've locked my purse in a cabinet or something LOL. Janine took lots of pictures and i am axious to see them! so grateful for her taking them for us.

Saturday night. We all sent them out to eat. We were determined that they had to at least do that. When they got home my father in law went to go get ice to make virgin dacqueris and he gets pulled over in his yard over none other then expired tags! (its been a really crazy year with so many things going on) And they called for backup! so it took 3 policeman to handle dishing out an expensive ticket (and a big ordeal to go with it) for expired tags! A bit excessive i must say! But only 1 for 2 stolen purses! WOW. insanity!

The rest of the weekend. I am so happy that there are a few ladies and people that stepped up in areas needed for my mother in law and father in law to get the contents of her purse replaced. Some Money was given, a new purse and wallet with a brush in it was given, groceries bought. I was blessed just seeing them get blessed! Amanda also gave me one of her purses and i love it. It is red, black, and white polka dots. Cute and small and me :). thanks amanda!

We were able to take care of most of our stuff monday, DHS, half of the social security office, bank, revenue office, we still gotta do a few more things but it is slowly getting all back together. Yes this hurt alot. more than what people would think. I love watching my mother in law getting blessed. I am fortunate enough to get to see it firsthand. She lives across the street and we do a lot of things together. But watching the smile on her face and the tears of joy. And the unexpected gifts of love. I love seeing that. i am very happy for her. So thank you to those who put that smile on her face and the tears of joy in her eyes! You will never truly know how much that means to me!

Now to prepare for my beautiful sister laws wedding coming up in just a few short days! Im so happy she asked me to do something for decorations for her wedding! it made me smile. It was totally unexpected. But im not spilling the beans yet! you will just have to wait til after August 6th.

Acts 20:35b "It is more blessed to give than to receive." How true those words of Jesus are!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Busy Memory Making Summer!

Wow its been a long time since i have updated! My weight loss has been doing really good so far! have lost 16 pounds so far out of 80 so that leaves 64 pounds to go. I am almost 1/4 of the way there! Very excited!

This summer has been a very busy and overwhelming, and stressful all at the same time. But this summer is one that many memories are gonna be made. My mother in law and father in law are renewing their vows on July 16th 1 month exactly before their 25th anniversary. It's not fancy by any means but they didnt want fancy. They wanted simple LOL. It cost money so simple is fine with me LOL but money worth spending for sure. What if they dont make it to their 50th? So i am very happy that me and hubby are giving them a 25th wedding anniversary wedding renewal. And let me tell ya the shipping is where it gets ya LOL i know that now for when me and hubby renew our vow next june LOL. I am very happy about doing this. And it is coming up quickly! In fact it is this saturday. So of course i will have to update again in a few days LOL. There are still a few last minute things that need done. and of course the decorating which we should be able to start doing in a day or 2.

3 weeks after my in-laws wedding renewal is my sister in-laws wedding. Her dress and her complete ensemble is beautiful. She is gonna make a beautiful bride. She is marrying her fiance Anthony Master and they will be living in McAlester, Oklahoma. They will be getting married August 6th.

I am definately ready for the summer to be over but at the same time I wouldnt wanna pass up the memories that are being made. Of course i get frustrated and overwhelmed but what human dont? So thankful for the ones who lend a listening ear and not change their opinions of others because of the venting. Just a little appreciation goes a long way and sometimes people allows frustration and stress to get in the way of showing appreciation. Would i do this summer all over again YES i would and probably wouldnt change a thing. No amount of money that was spent, no time put into it, and the love that goes into these things. Yeah i would do everything the same way again.

God has been so good to me and has blessed me so much. My daughter got burnt in january and healed very nicely and quickly. We go back August 18th to childrens and hopefully she will get fully released. The only problem we have is needing EXTRA sunscreen cuz she sunburns in her burned areas very quickly. I am thankful for all of the prayers and love and support! PS i can once again drink hot tea again without bursting into tears! LOL

Well off to go plan a menu for the in laws wedding renewal reception then make a grocery list. Wonder if i can talk her into going shopping with me...LOL have a wonderful and blessed day all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I just dont know...

Today I have been really down. Yesterday as a very rough day. Poured out my heart and feelings and thoughts and got absolutely nowhere. nothing changed. Suprise Suprise. Really frustrating and sad at the same time. Thats gonna be the last time i pour out my heart and feelings in a long time.

Well today my day started out with a couple phone calls. Apparently my email was hacked and therefore my facebook got hacked as well. And before you ask i had logged out and everything so that was not the reason that i was hacked. Apparently it was someone in Africa that hacked me! And whats even worse is they sent out an email to my friends that I had to make an unexpected trip to London for a family who got sick or something and i got mugged and that i needed almost $2000. Whatever. LOL And a few of my friends replied back with a stupid answer and this person who hacked tried to make out it was really me. LOL apparently they werent as smart as they thought that they were. 1 i have no family in London that i know of. 2 I dont even have the desire to even go to London. and 3 i dont have the money to go even if i wanted to go...I aint got the money to go to hot springs which is 2 hours away much less a trip around the world! So if you received that email it was NOT from me. I have also been temporarily shut down from facebook until they can straighten it out. My hubby filed a hacked report with them and they are working on hopefully i will get to be back on there soon. As far as i understand i think you can still see pictures and stuff you just cant see any posts (i cant make any either) or anything on my wall...its insane. Hopefully it will be fixed soon though!

I did have a pretty great 5th anniversary though! Hubby cooked steak! yum! then we went to the movies...we seen pirates of the carribean 4 and Fast 5. Yes hubby scraped up change to go see those movies! it was very sweet of him to dip into his game fund (the change he collects) to take me out to the movies to celebrate our 5th anniversary!

I have lost a total of 10.2 pounds out of 80 so far! I have went 30 days without dessert. A friend of mine did send me a low calorie dessert that i am gonna try! Thanks Karen! I have went without desserts for a long time and im anxious to try it! Only 69.8 pounds to go! I hope that i can lose it all by april 9, 2012! Thats my cutoff date and exactly 2 months til the wedding to order the wedding dress that i want! im very proud of myself. Thank you all for the many prayers i really appreciate them and please keep them coming!

Well i hope that my day is better tomorrow! now signing off to go spend time with my hubby and watch the voice then chopped then read my bible and bed. I havent felt very good today and im tired!

PS happy birthday to my mother in law!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5th Anniversary & Blog Giveaway!

My son turned 4 on the 27th of May. Wow time has slipped by way too fast. Not only that but i am celebrating my 5th anniversary next thursday on the 9th! Whoa! its been 5 years already? And I am falling more and more in love with my hubby with each day and year that passes by. He is so sweet. Dont get me wrong we have our ups and downs and sometimes i just wanna kick him LOL but I refrain LOL. BUt in all seriousness June 9, 2006 was one of the best days of my life! I married my best friend. He is so good to me. he spoils me and he loves me unconditionally and he still keeps me around when i become bratty sometimes (i know what you are thinkin' jonathan raymond sr! sometimes? how bout all the time...) But you know you love me anyways :).

To celebrate this milestone of making it to our 5th anniversary and going strong I bought him a new camera. A canon rebel. And he is so good with it. One of the things that he is starting to do with it is scripture photography! So in honor of our 5th anniversary and his anniversary gift from me (yes i gave it to him early) I am posting a giveaway. Please 1st have liked Studio 13 Photography then tell me your favorite Bible verse and why it is your favorite. Post it on this page (or in the note on my facebook page) And you will get a chance to win an 8x10 Custom Scripture Photography Photo! The giveaway ends next wednesday at midnight June 8th and i will draw the winner on June 9th!

I am extremely proud of him and I love my husband so much!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


So i posted something on facebook that was supposed to be a text to my mom. It contained info about the diet i am doing. There are certain people who are getting all kinds of crazy cuz of what they "think" im doing. So i will tell you what i am doing since its so much of a concern. I am watching what i eat. I made a commitment to myself to avoid sugars, starches, unneccessary fats, oil, grease. JUNK food. for a minimum of 21 days. then i will start the next 21 days. After i lose this weight i will be MAINTAINING it. I am counting my calories to make sure that i dont go over a certain amount. And I said i wasnt eating past 8 pm period! i read somewhere that the later you eat the harder it is to lose weight. I personally like to eat the majority of my calories for dinner rather then lunch because it sustains me throughout the night. I am not a breakfast person. Well let me rephrase that. I LOVE breaskfast foods but i dont normally eat at breakfast times. I am also doing the wii fit for an hour a day, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. I am renewing my vows on my 6th anniversary which is 54 weeks away to have the wedding of my dreams and i need to lose the weight to wear the dress of my dreams. I obviously cant wait til last minute to lose all the weight i need to and still have time to order and fit my dress so i am starting now. I have given myself til April 9th to have lost several pounds and inches. and my downfalls are sugars, starches, blah blah pardon me if I am making my calories count rather then wasting them. Im choosing Splenda over sugar for my choosing healthy meats over greasy choosing fresh fruits over my cake and other choosing fresh veggies over buttered down again i say pardon me for not wasting my calories on pizza and chicken nuggets and fries (which by the way i love and giving up for the cause right now) but rather on healthier foods. I gotta learn it now or else it wont stay off. And me and my mom are keeping each other accountable. Its easier to do it with someone even long distance than alone. Myh husband is supporting me and encouraging me and saying what i need to hear when i try to beg him to go get me mcnuggets. When i get to the point where i told him that i can have a cheat day then i will get them. Thats gonna be my reward to myself and he is helping me stay on track...Would i love nothing better to have chicken nuggets and fries over a chicken salad well duh! but is that gonna aid me in my weight loss? no! I personally do way better if i am stricter on myself then allowing too many cheat days...i end up quitting. So far i am on day 4 of the first 21. they say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so im trying to eat totally 100% healthy for 21 days then i will go another 21 days...and so on. I am working really hard right now. have i wanted to quit already? yep but i havent. and My mom and hubby are keeping me on track. I know it takes determination and will power (which im lacking in will power so they are helping me keep it up LOL) to make this happen! So rather then tattling on me to husband or telling him what they think i should or shouldnt do 1. talk to not a child. 2. encourage me rather then criticizing me at least im getting off my lazy too many excuses butt and doing something about my fat self (i HATE the way i look and im tired of my excuses) and 3. support me! THANKS IM MAKING MY CALORIES COUNT NOT WASTING THEM!

I think that is all i have to say right now...thank you and good night!

Jenny Love

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My baby is turning 4 on Friday! & More has been awhile since i have posted.

I have been sitting here 3 short days my baby boy turns 4! It hardly seems real that he should be that old already! I remember sitting in the hospital after 47 1/2 hours of labor waiting for my son to be born. Our firstborn.

I absolutely LOVE this picture. This is SR and JR the day he was born. This is my favorite picture of the 2 of them. Jonathan is such a good daddy. He was so proud this day! And he still is. This was taken in the spur of the moment and really was not posed or planned. And i think that is why its so special and sweet. It brings me to tears of joy when i look at it.

Now my baby is gonna be 4 in just 3 short days. He makes me mad sometimes lol with his honoryness, but he makes me so happy, so full of love and he fills my life full of blessings and joy! I wouldnt trade him for anything or anyone.

He is so full of happiness! I love this. And i Love being his mommy!

My hubby is doing photography now In fact he took the last 2 pictures i posted. He does an amazing job i think. It is something he is doing on the side. I am really proud of him! Here is the link go check out his page and like it!!/pages/Studio-13-Photography/212809002073927

I have started my weight loss back again and exercise. I am doing 30 minutes of wii fit in the morning and 30 minutes of wii fit at night and eating better! i have made a decision to eat strictly (what i consider strictly of no sweets) the first 21 days (they say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit then when they are done then i will reward myself. I want to earn my sweets LOL and so far so good. Sweets are my downfall and junk food too...i like my chicken nuggets and fries but im saying no to them for 21 days. I am on the end of day 2. You may think im crazy but thats ok. I am trying to get to where i dont want it ALL the time. Because if and when i lose the weight and inches i want it to only be a treat and not something that is all the time. Mashed potatoes and corn (MY favorites but i want it all the time) and thats only going to make me gain it back. so i want to train my brain and body to not want it all the time. if that makes sense. so if i bring my own food or i say no thank you then you will know why. I am really trying hard and i would ask only encouragement from you. I am determined. So please please pray for me!

well i guess that is all for now! Now off to have some family time before bedtime :)

Jenny Love

Friday, April 8, 2011

Decisions...Decisions...And so much more...

Here lately i have been really stressed. But what good has it really done me? it hasn't so why not change that? I have always loved the phrase since i first heard it "Attitudes are Contagious...Is yours worth catching?" Well i am sad to say that mine hasn't been. I might not can change the circumstance or the situation but i can change how i deal with it. I heard a message recently by my preacher about prayerlessness. I havent been praying as much as i should were near it in fact. that hasnt helped my attitude or my stress level either. Why? because I was trying to deal with the stress and the situation on my own and all that was happening was making my stress level higher and my attitude worse. Now am i ever not gonna have a stinkin' attitude again? i doubt it but i can work on my attitude which is what I plan on doing. Being more positive once again.

This week is Missions Conference. A crazy hectic week. But I LOVE IT!!! Last night i was able to sit and enjoy the preaching. And he talked about how we only do as much as we WANT to. We pray as much as we want to, read our Bibles as much as we want to. That struck a cord in me. Wow...I have heard that if I want it i most always get it...why is it that i haven't really wanted to be a stronger christian? wanted to read my Bible and pray more? It is a want thing. If I want to do it then it gets done and if i don't then it dont in everything that i do. Definately hit me where it hurt but something i really needed to hear. Thanks Bro. Hendricks for saying what God wanted you to say! Now it's been given to me now i need to apply it to me.

Tonight I have nursery and Squish (my mother in law) has class. This has been a long week this week especially for the little babies and little kids so we put our noggins and our money together and we are gonna do something "special" with the kiddos. The theme of the week for the kids have been "fishing for men" and the VeggieTales movie "jonah and the whale" was on sale and we decided that the lesson we would have movie night. It will be fun and something special for the kiddos. I am pretty excited.

My Zebra print skirt that my hubby bought me for Easter and to take our family pictures in came in! and I love it!. Now i just need to find a shirt that i like to go with it! :) I am very excited.

There is so much going on from now til August 6th. A super busy but memorable summer. I need to sit down and put the events in order in a list and plan and budget.

My favorite brother in law turned 16 yesterday! wow. I remember when we first. He has grown up so much since then. I am proud to call him my brother in law and i do love him very much! And he such a blessing to me and my family!

Well laundry is definately calling my name. My hubby was super sweet and he cleaned the house for me! God sure did give a wonderful hubby!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stressed to the max...

Im sure many of you have heard the expression "stressed to the max" well i think i have finally hit that point tonight. For the last few my kids have had some major listening problems. I have yelled...cried...spanked...pleaded...spoke softly...nothing is working. I clean but for what? it gets destroyed faster than it takes me to clean. Jr has decided to just be lazy again and go potty in his underwear when he is watching a show. i take it away. if its not one thing its another. its so frustrating. And you would think certain people who step in and help or give me a break but nope nothing...they are too worried about their ownselves. it kills me how i dont get the same respect and im not sure what you call it in return. The same ones who i pretty much go to their every beck and call are too self absorbed. They do things on their terms. Yes I am fully aware of this being a vent but i do not care. at least not today. I need a vacation. A real one. But there is never enough money HA! I am always tired. I know that my body is under too much stress at least thats what my dr said when i was pregnant with zz which caused her to be under too much stress. Dont get me wrong i love my family and everyone in it. i love my kids very very very much. But sometimes i just need a break. AH! that that is out of the way...I have lost a total of 5.4 pounds in 3 weeks. It may not seem like a lot but it is to me. It is a little over a 1/4 way to meet my first goal. I am really excited. Pray the inches will come off too...i am doing it the hard and old fashioned way...eating better...more eating what i want but being reasonable with it and walking every day. It is a long slow process but i guess it will be worth it in the end.

Anyways PLEASE pray for me because i need to get more organized...get 100% caught up on housework...and start going with a flexible schedule. I want to feel better and im tired of hurting and being exhausted all the time. I have been negative and stressed for a few weeks now and it is time to change. I just need prayer...thanks!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Little Bit Of This...A Little Bit Of That...

Well it has been a crazy few weeks. lol. But hey that's life right?

Hubby finally got a report back from his tests...he does not have colon cancer...he does not have diverticulitus...he does not have a bacterial infection...all of his tests came back negative...we still dont know what was wrong with him but i do know this whatever was causing him to bleed is either hiding really well or could possibly have been a bleeding ulcer but whatever it we appreciate all of the prayers! Whatever the problem it went away which is always a good thing!

ZZ is about to turn 1 :0 WOW time sure does fly by so fast! She will be turning 1 on the 2nd of April and we are going to be celebrating her 1st birthday on the 1st of April. Speaking of ZZ she is doing so well from her burn. We go back on august 18th for a checkup and see how her skin nand the discoloration is doing. thank you for your continues prayers!

And the planning of a wedding renewal for Squish and Poppa Smurf continues. Of course with all weddings there are bumps in the road along the way to that very special day. I get frustrated with it and sometimes i feel like whats the point...i wish it would go a little smoother but o well...It it would help if it didnt get pushed to the side and actually REALLY got talked about and I had just a teensy bit of help...but like i said its part of the bumps in the road...but im trying to the best that i can. Thankfuul for my hubby who is working to pay for it and for all of our needs and most of our wants. I love him so much! Can't wait til we get to start planning our renewal in August! We will be renewing our vows June 9, 2012 which we planned before we even said I do and we could have more time to save money and plan :)

Well I have lost 3.6 pounds already! I know I know it doesn't seem like much but hey its a start. The only thing is this is I have don really bad on my walking. Yeah i need to get better at that...but with 3 babies under 4 it is a little on the difficult side. Sure people say they will "help" but when it comes down it they dont. Hubby works or he would. Finding time is hard when you already have a super busy life. But i am really proud of my 3.6 pounds already. It is a start. 3.6 out of 20 bu July if i could lose the inches too.........

Laundry seems like its never ending LOL. Especially with little ones who are potty training and wet when they sleep. But refusing to put diapers on them even at bedtime because i dont want them to get the idea in their pretty little noggins that its ok to pee in their panties/underwear at all. so blankets add up LOL but I am actually nearly caught up least for today LOL. And trying to keep a clean house with 3 little tornados is next to impossible LOL or like Mrs. Debbie said like shoveling snow in a blizzard. Very well put LOL. But you know what? wouldnt trade my life with anyone. I love it. I love my family and I love my life. I wish that the Unspoken Situation/Prayer request would get better which it still hasn't but i know it is all in God's timing. But i just absolutely love what God has given me. I may not have very much money but God has blessed me richly with love and family. What is better than that?

Well i am off to go clean and do my motherly and wifely duties...


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Torturing Myself But For The

Starting Monday (February 28th) i have been 30 minutes a day minimum and watching what I eat and i dont mean as I'm eating it LOL. I have been going to and it is a free site. There i typed in how many pounds i wanted to lose a week and it gave me how many calories i should eat in order to do that. And all i have to do is log in what i ate and how much and it tells me my calories and it keeps the total count and everything. It tells me how many calories i have left to stay under my maximum limit. Its a lot less stress for me. So far so good...this is day 3...

Every tuesday, thursday, and saturday my hubby is taking me to the Old City Park to walk (it has uphills and downhills...which is supposed to help in toning my fat thighs LOL) and MOnday, Wednesday, and Friday I walk around the trampoline or up and down our street (Monday and Tuesday was the trampoline while the kids played and today was up and down our street because Stephen came and watched the kids while I walked).

It has been really hard on me...My legs are super sore so if anyone seems me limping around a little bit...yeah its because my legs are screaming "but why" to me. I went from doing nothing to pushing myself for 30 min a day minimum...yesterday it was a whole hour...but overall i am proud of myself so far...i just decided that i was tired of my excuses and waiting for the perfect time or for whenever i was ready...i am never ready to torture myself. So i decided to quit making excuses and decided to use my stress and emotional problems for my adrenaline in my walking...and it has been helping so far. Eventually I will be able to do this with no problem and be able to up the minutes...but for now definately sticking with the 30 minutes.

Please pray that i stick with this...and PS my goal is to lose 20 pounds by July 1st :) thats my first goal and deadline so to speak! :)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Days with my Valentine...

Well Valentine's was super sweet and special :)

My hubby and i always celebrate Valentine's Day on the day before. He asked me to cook him some lasagna so i did and we had a little date at home. We watched a movie and just spent good quality time together. Then on Valentine's Day i suprised my hubby by having Squish and NeNe deliver a gift to Jonathan at work. I sent him a king size candy bar and 2 matinee tickets to Gnomeo and Juliet (hilarious movie) for the 15th. He bought me a single red roses :) and a teddy bear and a giant candy bar yum! I absolutely love it! Well in our household i buy the boys valentines and Jonathan buys the girls Valentine. Im lucky i only have to buy one ;) lol Well i bought my nearly 4 year old son a spiderman balloon, stuffed dinosaur and some gummys. His favorite thing is the balloon lol but im so glad he loved it. JOnathan bought his 2 beautiful girls (one is 2 1/2 and one is 10 1/2 months a jewelry set of earrings and a necklace with a flower on it. Nene got a monkey balloon and zz got an elmo one. They all love their stuff. And i love mine as wel. Thank you jonathan i love you so very much!

Well my girls weren't the only ones who got jewelry for Valentine's Day. So did Squish. It was so sweet and romantic. After 25 years those 2 (my mother in law and father in law) still got it. My father in law made a super sweet card and had an engagement ring taped inside and asked her to marry him again and renew their vows. She has never had her own engagement ring before and it is gorgeous and looks wonderful on her finger ;). Well unknown to him she had made him a card and got him some chocolate lips to symbolize their first kiss. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW is all i have to say. They totally didnt know about each others gifts until they opened them that night. And yes they got together around valentines day. Yes i have to say...they still got it.

Well i hope thats yalls valentines day was a great success like mine was! now im off to go clean and do some 25th anniversary wedding planning! :)


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love is in the Air!

The status with my last post with my special prayer request that i cant say for fear of making things worse hasn't changed any sadly. It still breaks my heart but rather than dwelling on that I am choosing to focus on other things instead. Please continue to pray for this relationship between me and this other person thank you.

All of ZZ's sores have been healed and she has been to church a couple of times. She still has her red marks but she is doing and looking so good. We go back to Little Rock on the 24th of this month hopefully we will get to be released! Wouldn't that be great?

My sister in law, Amanda, got engaged to Anthony Master the 2nd of this month. He suprised her by showing up before church with the ring. She was bringing my son to her daddy and seen him and nearly threw my son in the floor because she was so excited. LOL They are planned to be married August 6, 2011 at 3:30 pm. I am excited for them. Now to get them to stay close by til after June 2012...LOL ;) So wedding plans have been in the mix of our crazy life LOL. Congratulations Amanda and Anthony!

This year is the year for milestones! In April ZZ turns 1...Stephen turns 16...In June my hubby and I celebrate our 5th anniversary...In August my in-laws celebrate their Silver anniversary...25 years together wow...In September my father in law turns the big 5-0...and then in december my hubby turns 25! Wow...

Silver anniversary. My In-Laws will be married 25 years August 16th of this year. They will be renewing their vows in July just 3 weeks before their daughter's wedding. Crazy. LOL But I am excited for all of them. They asked for small and simple...but yet nice at the same time. So plans for their wedding has been added in the mix as well. Wedding shopping online and in stores. Then when theses 2 weddings are all said and done then me and my hubby can start planning our wedding renewal for June 9th, 2012. We had a simple and nice wedding but at the time we didnt have the funds to have the dream wedding so my hubby is letting me have it on our 6th anniversary. We planned that before we even said our i do's nearly 5 years ago. So I am excited about that.

This summer is definately gonna be a stressful, wonderful, crazy and super busy summer...And i prolly wouldn't change it for the world...just maybe started planning sooner LOL just kidding...well kinda...Memories are in the making and who would want to change that?

Well off to go do some more planning...

Jenny love

Friday, January 28, 2011

Heartaches And Blessings...

It seems like when i am the most stressed thats when i get "hurt" the most. Not physically but emotionally. It's a good thing that i am reading in James one about temptations and trials. Well i am still working on that. I want so badly for my unspoken to be fixed. I can't say what it is for fear it might make things worse. It breaks my heart though. And i just wanna be given a chance and be a part of lives. but moving on... On top of that my 9 month old daughter got burned as most know from scalding water that i set down not knowing it was in her reach. Oh i have tried and some days or moments rather to not let it get to me or blame myself but there are moments when i really stressed that i kick myself and beat myself up pretty bad. Then my hubbalicious had a colonoscopy done yesterday morning and when i was confident that it was figured out what was wrong with him we were told that he was misdiagnosed...add that with a sick baby girl running 101-104 fever for 2 nights and no sleep yeah stress was so happening. Sometimes it feels like my heart is about to explode and when i think i have no more tears more seem to flow. Please dont mistake me i dont want sympathy or a pity party i just want prayers and i need them desperately.

But having said the heartache i have to say the blessings as well. Even through being blessed God is giving me more trials. As a friend said "God never gives us more than we can handle but he sure stack the plate pretty full sometimes." But through it all God's been good. I am trusting God to work the situation out even as much as i am hurting He is the one who can change and fix it. My daughter is healing so much faster than the dr's ever expected and thought possible. And i can even buy my hubby some snickers for valentine's day! He doesn't have diverticulitis. They found 2 polyps in his intestines and they removed those and sent them off for a biopsy. I am praying they come back good. They want to do an upper GI. I asked the dr if this was good or bad and he said in between as in we still dont know anything and hopefully we can find out soon.

Update on birdie...

She still has 3 spots that are open sores but are healing pretty fast as well. She is allowed to go outside now giving that she wears sunscreen under her clothes and has to have all her burned areas covered. we go back february 24th. She is doing so good!

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Little Z-Bird...Update

Today my father in law and my mother in law took me and zz to children's to get her bandages changed and her wounds cleaned up. She has more 3rd degree burns then they thought. But she looks so good and is doing so good that they didnt have to bandages back on. I almost wish they had though because now she is at more of a risk of infection but they know what they are doing and they said it is best for her to not having bandages on at all but we have to treat and clean her wounds and little body everyday at least 3 times a day and treat them. She cannot leave the house or my in-laws house (and if she even goes across the street to my in-laws house she has to be completely dressed in her loose clothing in all the places she has burned.) We also have to work with her neck because she has about an inch and half to 2 inches of a 3rd degree burn on her neck and it is in a place where if it gets stiff it could be bad so we have to work with it and make her stretch her neck and it only has be looking at us and things like that so nothing too difficult. It still looks nasty but it will for awhile and the redness will go away in about a year to a year and a half. We have to give her at least 4 ounces of pedialyte a day and as much formula as she will drink and try to get her to eat things with protein. And we do that until we go back next monday. We will go from there. But thank you so much for all of your prayers!

Now today i found out exactly how much that El Dorado saved my little girl's life. I knew that she was this sick gray color like death gray. And i knew that her body temp was really low and i knew that she was dehydrated. And i dont know if i didnt put it together or what but today as the burn drs were doing her discharge and giving me the info they told me that when she was in El Dorado when she was brought in that she wasnt breathing because the burns had caused her lungs to swell and it blocked her airway. I told this to my hubby and he said that he knew but he didnt say anyting because i was upset as it was and so he just kept it to his self. It was probably a good thing because i dont know how well i wouldve been able to handle it a week ago. But as it was i balled like a baby. If it wasn't for the dr's at El Dorado and for all of the prayers that my little birdie got she wouldnt be here. God really is good. I do so much appreciate all of the prayers. please keep them coming.

tonight I had to clean her burns and treat them myself and have to do it 3x a day. well tonight was the first time. it broke m heart. I think that I cried about as much as she did. It was so hard. I hated seeing her in so much pain but it had to be done. It was so hard. But it is what the dr told me i had to do for her health and so i continued. After i got her cleaned up I had to calm her down and io finally got her to sleep. Then i just balled.

Please continue to pray because I know that there is a long road ahead of her. The burn dr's said that it will feel like she has a sunburn for a awhile and she will be really tender. Thank you again!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Generosity and Gratitude

I just want to thank everybody for their generosity. For the money, the gas for the vehicles, and for the prayers. Also I want to thank my hubbys boss, Jeff, I found out today that he offered to take my hubby;s work schedule so that he could be with his baby but of course my pigheaded hubby (whom i love very much) turned it down because he said we just couldn't afford it. Which is true. He was torn. But just the thought was SUPER SWEET. So Jeff opened for him so that he could get an extra hour or so of sleep. Couldn't have asked for a sweeter boss. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

When we came up here our biggest worries were how can we afford this? we are already broke. and things. but here we are...not having to worry about is hubby gonna be off for the dr appointments? answer: no, because he has a good boss who works with and around him. Are we gonna have food to eat? Yes, because people brought that to me. Can we afford the meds and other needs? yes, because so many gave us love offerings and donations. God has been so so so so good to us. And i am so very thankful for everyone. I couldnt have been blessed with better people in my life!

ZZ has been doing so good. thank you for the prayers, time, and many many blessings and thoughts! i will update some more later :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Little Birdie

So I am sure that everyone is wondering...what the devil happened and what are they gonna do and how is she doing? Well I will tell ya...

As most know my oldest 2 are potty training. I went and took jr and nene to potty and discovered that nene (who rarely has accidents) had an accident. I stripped her down (all the while my water was on to boil) got her some new jammies. then i sent nene to the livingroom and went to the kitchen and poured a mason jar of boiling water and threw a teabag in it and headed to the livingroom. well i set the glass down on the table between the chairs and starting getting nene dressed. as i was pulling her panties up zz came around me...stood up and tipped the glass all over her. I scrame as loud as i could for jonathan to come help me and we stripped her down as fast as we could and we seen her skin was falling over...hubby wrapped her in the snuggie and ran as quickly as he could (being on ice) and asked his momma what we are supposed to do. her papaw wrapped a cold towel around her and we rushed her to the hospital. Stephen and papaw watched the oldest 2 and off we went. She is burnt from her neck to the top of her hootie. the whole front. And on half of her right arm.

Once at the hospital in a matter of 5 minutes (she dumped it on her around 10:55 pm and we were at the hospital at 11 pm) they rushed her to the ER and discovered that she was dehydrated and body temp was low...yes it happened that fast...she was like a nasty gray color. well by the time they got her to CVICU where she received 24 hour care from midnight sunday night til 11 am tuesday morning. Angel One came and airlifted her to Children's Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. They tried to get her right away but with the bad weather they couldn't drive by ambulance or airlift her. But the El Dorado doctors and nurses stayed on the phone and found out what the best thing to do for her. They ordered some special gauze from the pharmacy and bandaged and wraped her up. then bundled her up. They forced a cathedar in so that they could monitor her fluid and after MANY MANY MANY iv's they finally called an anastheisiolgist (or however you spell that) in and put a central line in in her juggler artery. All of her veins kept blowing. They tried all of these areas: both hands...both arms, both wrists, both feet on the top, both feet in the heel, in her groin, and even in the top of her hootie...and they all went bad in an hour or less...and that was how they were trying to give her fluids but they couldnt draw her blood. So the man came in and put it in her neck.

She was set to go. Hubby had to go to work (yes even after being up all night and the day before too) at 4:30 in the morning because they couldnt get a replacement in the bad weather. So me and Squish (my mother in law) stayed up all night in the CVICU and waiting room. After they got her out of critical condition (but critical enough to need 24 hour care) they allowed squish to come in the CVICU room with me and we both got to stay in there and when hubby got off he came in there for a few minutes then went home to nap in case we were able to go to to childrens and he had to drive. well it ended up that the weather was just too bad and they put it off till tuesday.
Well we home and got some sleep after they set her up in the NICU with her private nurse. ( i was up for over 40 hours straight and squish and hubby didnt get much sleep either if any).


Tuesday morning the nurse called and said that angel flight was on their way to come get my daughter (which by the way her real name is Faithe-Makenzie Jazzlyn Love or ZZ or birdie as her nicknames...) So off we go...we kissed the oldest 2 bye and we went to the hospital (they are doing good they are with the in-laws). We signed the papersm they doped her up on morphine and off they went. We follwed behind them in the van. They called us as we were still driving to tell us that she made it safely and was playing with a toy helicopter. We were like YES!

We get to the hospital and find out that this toy helicopter is a stuffed helicopter that mimicks angel one and is half the size of her. LOL. But she loves that toy. we were picturing a hot wheels size helicopter but nope lol.

Here after waiting a few hours we talk to the burn doctors and they tell us that she will be ok with no permanent damage or scarring. Also the burn were mostly 2nd degree but a few spots are 3rd degree. She cant have anything to eat or drink after 2 am. They are supposed to come in around 9 in the morning and sedate her then take to go scrape off the dead skin and medicate them and bandage them. From there they will take her to recovery. We will stay here til Wednesday and they will change her bandages. We will get to go home if everything goes good. Then a week later we will come back childrens and they will change her bandages. Then go home and come back in another week for this until they clear her. They said it will take about 2 weeks to heal so we shouldnt have to take a trip more than 3 times if i understand right. And depending on how quickly she heals. She has played a little after they give her morphine so it knocks the pain out quickly. And it just breaks my heart to see her in so much pain and tears streaming down her beautiful face...

Well I am super tired and im gonna go and try to get some rest. Thank you all for your many many many prayers. Hubby has to go home around 4 wednesday afternoon because he has to work thursday thru sunday. He will come back up her monday and tuesday. so please pray for travel safety for him. and my father in law is bringing my mother in law to stay with me while They are also gonna travel with the oldest 2 and i believe my brother in law and sister in law for a visit. the babies cant see her but i will get to go see them while papaw and mamaw stay with birdie and visit. Oh how i miss my babies. Goodnight and i will update when i can.