Friday, April 8, 2011

Decisions...Decisions...And so much more...

Here lately i have been really stressed. But what good has it really done me? it hasn't so why not change that? I have always loved the phrase since i first heard it "Attitudes are Contagious...Is yours worth catching?" Well i am sad to say that mine hasn't been. I might not can change the circumstance or the situation but i can change how i deal with it. I heard a message recently by my preacher about prayerlessness. I havent been praying as much as i should were near it in fact. that hasnt helped my attitude or my stress level either. Why? because I was trying to deal with the stress and the situation on my own and all that was happening was making my stress level higher and my attitude worse. Now am i ever not gonna have a stinkin' attitude again? i doubt it but i can work on my attitude which is what I plan on doing. Being more positive once again.

This week is Missions Conference. A crazy hectic week. But I LOVE IT!!! Last night i was able to sit and enjoy the preaching. And he talked about how we only do as much as we WANT to. We pray as much as we want to, read our Bibles as much as we want to. That struck a cord in me. Wow...I have heard that if I want it i most always get it...why is it that i haven't really wanted to be a stronger christian? wanted to read my Bible and pray more? It is a want thing. If I want to do it then it gets done and if i don't then it dont in everything that i do. Definately hit me where it hurt but something i really needed to hear. Thanks Bro. Hendricks for saying what God wanted you to say! Now it's been given to me now i need to apply it to me.

Tonight I have nursery and Squish (my mother in law) has class. This has been a long week this week especially for the little babies and little kids so we put our noggins and our money together and we are gonna do something "special" with the kiddos. The theme of the week for the kids have been "fishing for men" and the VeggieTales movie "jonah and the whale" was on sale and we decided that the lesson we would have movie night. It will be fun and something special for the kiddos. I am pretty excited.

My Zebra print skirt that my hubby bought me for Easter and to take our family pictures in came in! and I love it!. Now i just need to find a shirt that i like to go with it! :) I am very excited.

There is so much going on from now til August 6th. A super busy but memorable summer. I need to sit down and put the events in order in a list and plan and budget.

My favorite brother in law turned 16 yesterday! wow. I remember when we first. He has grown up so much since then. I am proud to call him my brother in law and i do love him very much! And he such a blessing to me and my family!

Well laundry is definately calling my name. My hubby was super sweet and he cleaned the house for me! God sure did give a wonderful hubby!


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