Thursday, May 26, 2011


So i posted something on facebook that was supposed to be a text to my mom. It contained info about the diet i am doing. There are certain people who are getting all kinds of crazy cuz of what they "think" im doing. So i will tell you what i am doing since its so much of a concern. I am watching what i eat. I made a commitment to myself to avoid sugars, starches, unneccessary fats, oil, grease. JUNK food. for a minimum of 21 days. then i will start the next 21 days. After i lose this weight i will be MAINTAINING it. I am counting my calories to make sure that i dont go over a certain amount. And I said i wasnt eating past 8 pm period! i read somewhere that the later you eat the harder it is to lose weight. I personally like to eat the majority of my calories for dinner rather then lunch because it sustains me throughout the night. I am not a breakfast person. Well let me rephrase that. I LOVE breaskfast foods but i dont normally eat at breakfast times. I am also doing the wii fit for an hour a day, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. I am renewing my vows on my 6th anniversary which is 54 weeks away to have the wedding of my dreams and i need to lose the weight to wear the dress of my dreams. I obviously cant wait til last minute to lose all the weight i need to and still have time to order and fit my dress so i am starting now. I have given myself til April 9th to have lost several pounds and inches. and my downfalls are sugars, starches, blah blah pardon me if I am making my calories count rather then wasting them. Im choosing Splenda over sugar for my choosing healthy meats over greasy choosing fresh fruits over my cake and other choosing fresh veggies over buttered down again i say pardon me for not wasting my calories on pizza and chicken nuggets and fries (which by the way i love and giving up for the cause right now) but rather on healthier foods. I gotta learn it now or else it wont stay off. And me and my mom are keeping each other accountable. Its easier to do it with someone even long distance than alone. Myh husband is supporting me and encouraging me and saying what i need to hear when i try to beg him to go get me mcnuggets. When i get to the point where i told him that i can have a cheat day then i will get them. Thats gonna be my reward to myself and he is helping me stay on track...Would i love nothing better to have chicken nuggets and fries over a chicken salad well duh! but is that gonna aid me in my weight loss? no! I personally do way better if i am stricter on myself then allowing too many cheat days...i end up quitting. So far i am on day 4 of the first 21. they say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so im trying to eat totally 100% healthy for 21 days then i will go another 21 days...and so on. I am working really hard right now. have i wanted to quit already? yep but i havent. and My mom and hubby are keeping me on track. I know it takes determination and will power (which im lacking in will power so they are helping me keep it up LOL) to make this happen! So rather then tattling on me to husband or telling him what they think i should or shouldnt do 1. talk to not a child. 2. encourage me rather then criticizing me at least im getting off my lazy too many excuses butt and doing something about my fat self (i HATE the way i look and im tired of my excuses) and 3. support me! THANKS IM MAKING MY CALORIES COUNT NOT WASTING THEM!

I think that is all i have to say right now...thank you and good night!

Jenny Love

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My baby is turning 4 on Friday! & More has been awhile since i have posted.

I have been sitting here 3 short days my baby boy turns 4! It hardly seems real that he should be that old already! I remember sitting in the hospital after 47 1/2 hours of labor waiting for my son to be born. Our firstborn.

I absolutely LOVE this picture. This is SR and JR the day he was born. This is my favorite picture of the 2 of them. Jonathan is such a good daddy. He was so proud this day! And he still is. This was taken in the spur of the moment and really was not posed or planned. And i think that is why its so special and sweet. It brings me to tears of joy when i look at it.

Now my baby is gonna be 4 in just 3 short days. He makes me mad sometimes lol with his honoryness, but he makes me so happy, so full of love and he fills my life full of blessings and joy! I wouldnt trade him for anything or anyone.

He is so full of happiness! I love this. And i Love being his mommy!

My hubby is doing photography now In fact he took the last 2 pictures i posted. He does an amazing job i think. It is something he is doing on the side. I am really proud of him! Here is the link go check out his page and like it!!/pages/Studio-13-Photography/212809002073927

I have started my weight loss back again and exercise. I am doing 30 minutes of wii fit in the morning and 30 minutes of wii fit at night and eating better! i have made a decision to eat strictly (what i consider strictly of no sweets) the first 21 days (they say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit then when they are done then i will reward myself. I want to earn my sweets LOL and so far so good. Sweets are my downfall and junk food too...i like my chicken nuggets and fries but im saying no to them for 21 days. I am on the end of day 2. You may think im crazy but thats ok. I am trying to get to where i dont want it ALL the time. Because if and when i lose the weight and inches i want it to only be a treat and not something that is all the time. Mashed potatoes and corn (MY favorites but i want it all the time) and thats only going to make me gain it back. so i want to train my brain and body to not want it all the time. if that makes sense. so if i bring my own food or i say no thank you then you will know why. I am really trying hard and i would ask only encouragement from you. I am determined. So please please pray for me!

well i guess that is all for now! Now off to have some family time before bedtime :)

Jenny Love