Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gratitude Challenge days 23 & 24

Day 23 is I am thankful for naps. Im not really sure what resting is anymore lol. but here lately i have been so tired and drained. There are some days Im not sure i can make it through without a pick me up nap. And my hubby is just so wornderful. He always tries to make it possible for me to get one. He has and is so good to me. I love you jonathan raymond love sr! thank you for being so sweet and kind and good to me. So for day 23 i am thankful for naps.

Day 24 is I am thankful for hubby's off days. My hubby works hard and there are times when we see him very little. then he has class and all kinds of things. I get to where I miss him alot. And i look forward to his next off day when me and the kiddos get to spend some much needed time with him. I just love it and him and my beautiful babies. So for day 24 is I am thankful for my hubby's off days.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gratitude Challenge Days 21 & 22

Day 21 is i am thankful for my aunt and uncle. They have been helping me and my hubby the last few months to help us get through to income taxes. Without their help we really wouldve been sunk. They have been sending us some money to ease our struggles and it has helped tremedously. We have been broke...really broke...and without their help i dont know what we would have done. Thank you for all of your help Barry & Deana i really really appreciate it. And we love you so much. So for Day 21 I am thankful for my aunt and uncle.

Day 22 is I am thankful for my church. Last night the battery in our van completely died. Oh i felt like just balling right then and there. We were able to make it the church and back sunday morning but we werent able to go sunday night because the battery died. We have no money but my hubby asked the church if we could borrow the money from the church until we get income taxes. thats $100 that we didnt have right now and it was such a huge blessing that we could borrow the money until after the holidays. we have no money set aside anywhere. but we have a new battery in our van and we are up and running once again. so for day 22 is I am thankful for my church!

Gratitude Challenge Days 18, 19, & 20

day 18 is i am thankful for good friends. God has blessed me with some good friends. Well actually i keep telling jonathan that i really have no real friends that i just go an hang out with. Oh sure i talk to people and i do things for people but to just go and hang out i couldnt really name any. but then I realize i hang out with my hubby and my mother in law and even my sister in law an brother in law. Those are great friends. And for those who are my church friends I am grateful for you too! so for day 18 is I am thankful for good friends.

Day 19 is I am thankful for my beautiful babies. They make me laugh and cry and scream and so many mixed emotions. But they are my life and i love them so much. They are one of my main reasons for pushing myself and for living. They are beautiful! So for day 19 is I am thankful for my beautiful babies.

Day 20 is I am thankful for Dove shampoo & conditioner. I cried tears of joy this. Oh sure you read that i am thankful for dove shampoo & conditioner and think What? thats stupid but not to me. That is my one treat that i do for myself once a month. and with us having no money with the move and all i decided to give it up until we could get to where we could afford it again. Which would be income taxes. So since the end of august I havent had any for my hair and i have been using cheap shampoo and conditioner. Well i posted that i wanted some for christmas on facebook not thinking anything about it. I post lots of stuff as my status LOL well this super sweet lady that my hubby works with and a dear friend of mine and his read it and she bought me some dove shampoo and condtioner just to be sweet to me. She didnt expect anything in return. She just wanted to be a blessing to me. And boy was she. i cried tears of joy. Who wouldve thought crying over shampoo & conditioner? LOL but i did. It was so sweet of her. Thank you Di...So for day 20 i am thankful for Dove shampoo & conditioner.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gratitude Challenge Day 17

Day 17 is I am thankful for the trials and tests that God puts me through. I am so hurt right now. But i know that I wouldn't be so bad off if I hadnt left God. I have been failing the tests that He has been giving me. And I have been too dumb to even realize it. Why is it that I gotta wait until i am at my breaking point to turn back to God. He doesnt leave me its me leaving Him. God gives me trials to make me a better person and a better christian. romans 8:28 tells me that. I got a good spanking from Him today. I needed it. I am taking my shattered heart to Him. He is my friend. And a better friend than me. He sticks by me and even though I ditch Him when i dont think that I need Him at the moment He is still standing there with his arms held wide open waiting to embrace me with His loving arms. Part of the reason of why I am so hurt is because I feel betrayed by a "friend" but maybe i needed that to happen to me because I have been betraying God and ignoring Him. Oh these trials are heartbreaking sometimes and they are hard and tough but God never does promise me that it is going to be easy. He promises to be a good friend and stick with me and by me. I need to start striving to be more like Him. a better friend. And even though i feel betrayed that dont give me the reason to dish out the same treatment or even allow the problem to linger. What if God did that to me? then who could I go to? I have heard of the saying over and over again "what goes around comes around" but why? if we are hurting as bad as we are then why would we want that for someone else? that is cruel but that is the way that it often goes. I am so thankful that God doesnt do that to me. I am making the decision once again to start running toward His open arms rather than running away. And through the hurt and the pain to embrace what God is doing for me and being a good friend that no matter what people can come to me. I know I am probably rambling in this post but thats ok too...So for day 17 I am thankful for trials and tests that God gives me. It made me see what I have been doing and not doing and also made me realize that I have been failing these tests and i keep receiving more trials and tests so why not start passing them with flying colors. They are there to make me stronger and a better person and christian now it is time for me to start becoming one!

Gratitude Challenge Days 15 & 16

Day 15 is I am thankful for memories. I can't imagine not having a camera around or things to document memories. I just absolutely love pictures. I like to have that memory that stands still. When i look at a picture i can "picture" exactly what the thing looked like and so many happy thoughts come to mind. I love watching my babies grow up and learn new things. Oh it is very hard the older they get. I want them to want and need me all the time but i also know that when they get older we are making new memories to go along with them. I love how we can snap a camera and the memory seems to last forever. So for day 15 is I am thankful for memories and being able to document them.

Day 16 is I am thankful for God's Word. What would do without it? Obviously being a miserable wreck. So many times I just keep ditching Him. Or thinking that I can do things on my own like I dont need HIM or something. What am I thinking? I guess Im really not. Here lately I have been so burdened down. Its like one thing after another. And I allow Satan to get the best of me. Why do I do that? because I dont get into the Word of God. I have no excuse really...i just need to set my mind to give God my time and read what He has to say to me. And imagine my surprise when i read what I need to hear and God has a nugget for me. a blessing. Or a pick me up...and sometimes even a spanking. Please pray for me that I will get backk into His Word like I should do. am thankful that God gave me a blueprint for life I just need to read it. You hear these jokes about how men dont like to read instructions but I am doing the same thing...I am going throught life without reading the Instructions. God laid it out plain for me and yet I refuse it...that is so stinking dumb of me. Anyways for day 16 I am thankful for God's Word. It is truth and perfect and something that I can cling to.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gratitude Challenge Day 14

Day 14 is I am thankful that Squish and I were able to sit down, discuss, and put together the Christmas program. Oh it's not completely done yet but we got so much accomplished. We got the plays figured out and that is the important thing. Now we still have little things to do as far as getting ready for the program but we got the part the kids need to be concerned with done and their teachers. I am pretty excited. I love bouncing ideas off of Squish and we usually come up some pretty neat-o ideas and things. I am so excited about the program this year and i think that the audience of family and friends will like it too! are an amazing woman and a Wonderful Children's Church Director and you are doing such a wonderful job with the kids and i love how you love and care for those kids and are willing to put yourself out there for them as well! So for Day 14 I am thankful that Squish and I were able to get quite a bit accomplished for the Christmas program.

Gratitude Challenge Days 12 & 13

Day 12 is I am thankful for a vehicle to drive. As y'all know I was forced to learn or rather build confidence in driving once again. But I am thankful that I am now a little more independent and that God provided me a vehicle to be comfortable driving in. And so far even though money has been super tight God has been providing the gas that gets put in there. Oh there are so many times when I wonder how we are gonna make it til the next paycheck but God always provides it. So for Day 12 I am thankful for a vehicle to drive.

Day 13 is I am thankful for Squish's friend who gave nene a pair of black shoes. Yes, money has been so super tight. I haven't even bought my kids' Christmas yet. Thankfully I already had bought my secret friend and secret sister gifts so that is good that I dont have to worry about that. But is starting to be winter and she didnt have any black church shoes to wear and all she had was white church shoes that are getting too small and sandals and i had told my mother in law that nene needed a pair of black church shoes but i couldnt afford to get any right now. And she said that we will just for pray for God to provide them. Well Squish's friend had contacted her about some clothes for one of amanda's daycare kids whose house burnt down and asked her if me and jonathan wanted the potty chair well when we got there we didnt know that there were some black church shoes that are exactly nenes size in there and that were to be nenes. God provided for us while he provided for another family. God is so good to us. So for Day 13 I am thankful for nenes black church shoes. They are cute and they look new and they look great and I love nene in them :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gratitude Challenge Days 10 & 11

Day 10 is I am thankful that my hubby has a job. Sometimes I get so frustrated with the way he gets treated or what he has to deal with but he deals with it because he loves his family so very much and it is our source of income. So for Day 10 I am thankful for my hubby's job. Thats seems to come far and few between these days.

Day 11 is I am thankful that I food in my house and food that My family can eat and not have to worry about getting hurt or sick on. And God providing our groceries. There are so many health issues and it seems to vary in my household. I have food for my family. It is nice to go in the refridgerator and look inside and see it stocked up same goes for the freezer and for the cabinets. So for Day 11 I am grateful for food in my house. Going grocery shopping can be stressful or it can be a form of relief and it can be both for me. Depending on the day and how i feel and it was nice to get out and just catch a breath and just have me time but being productive at the same time. Stephen and Squish kept the babies so that I could get my grocery shopping done. I also found some milk free chocolate chip cookies and also a new cake that my baby boy can have. Of course i get so excited when i find things that he can have. I am thankful for food and food that my wonderful family can have!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gratitude Challenge Day 9

Day is I am thankful for a green frog potty chair. I was at the store the other day and I seen this frog potty chair and i really wanted one. The kids bathroom is done in frogs and i have 2 in potty training. 1 doing really good the other one who just didnt care. Anyways, i couldnt afford one and even though i have 2 bathrooms when i am by myself it is hard taking both of them at the same time in 2 different bathrooms so they would share the potty...not so bad right? well it could be worse...but it is so much easier have 2 in the same place. Well Squish's friend offered a potty chair to us. I was like Yes i want it please. Well we went and picked it up today and low and behold it was a never been used green frog potty chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it has been such a success! Jr is actually wanting to use the potty today. So it was a double blessing! So for day 9 I am thankful for a green frog potty chair! And When i asked God for a potty chair i didnt specify which one i wanted but it just goes to show that God gives me the desires of my heart!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gratitude Challenge Day 8

Day 8 is I am thankful that I am NOT pregnant. Oh dont get me wrong I love my kids so very much and I love babies. But I am so thankful that I am not pregnant right now. I just don't think that I can handle another one right now. Anyways the dr prescribed me Savella and Neurotin and they both said that it is bad to take while pregnant. So before I started on them I bought a clear blue digital pregnancy test and I took it and it said NOT PREGNANT...i was so happy for those 2 words. Now dont get me wrong I want another baby just not right now. So in the morning I will be starting on my meds. And maybe after I renew my vows then I can have another baby. Z will be about 2 years old. So for day 8 I am thankful that I am not pregnant. If I was to become pregant I would go with the flow of things but i am happy with the 3 that I have right now. God has truly blessed me so much with 3 beautiful rowdy babies and a fantastic husband!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gratitude Challenge Day 7

wow I do believe this post will have me caught up on my Gratitude Challenge.

Day 7 is I am thankful that Jesus is all that I need. Tonight I sang in church. I sang "All That I Need"

All that I need is my faith in Jesus
All that I need is my home above
All that I need is my Father's mercy
All that I need is my Saviour's love.

When I look around at all this world offers
I begin to crave the things that I see
I must keep my eyes on Jesus my Saviour
He has promised heavenly treasures to me.

All that I need is my faith in Jesus
All that I need is my home above
All that I need is my Father's mercy
All that I need is my Saviour's love.

All the pretty things shine brightly around me
Houses and possessions glisten and gleam
Riches seem to offer peace and contentment
But it's just a lie, it's only a dream

All that I need is my faith in Jesus
All that I need is my home above
All that I need is my Father's mercy
All that I need is my Saviour's love

All that I need is my faith in Jesus
All that I need is my home above
All that I need is my Father's mercy
All that I need is my Saviour's love

All that I need is my Saviour's love

The words of this song really fits my life right now. There are so many times when i look at the people and the things around me and it's like I almost envy them or think that "wow wouldnt life be so much easier" maybe so but I realize that even if and when i get the "things" that i crave it only satisfies me for a little time. But with Jesus He always satisfies. Oh there are so many times when i stray off the path onto a side road that my world fleshly self thinks that I "need" the things that Jesus don't promise. The things of the world. It is mostly things that aren't necessarily bad. Like having a house. having a house aint bad but when it's not good enough or it may not compare to someone elses house then im not satisfied and shame on me. God provided for me and He says He will take care of me. But I am so blessed that I have His mercy and His love. And really that is all I do need. everything else will fall into place. So for day 7 I am thankful that Jesus is all that I need. When I need a friend and feel like i can't talk to anyone Jesus is there. Oh I am far from perfect and I stray off the path many many many times but Jesus is always right where i left Him because He didn't go anywhere and He is holding His arms wide open ready to wrap me in His love and mercy. So here is a question...why do i leave Him? that really is dumb...but I am so grateful and thankful for His love and mercy and grace! Thank you Jesus for being all that I need!

Gratitude Challenge 5 & 6

Day 5 is I am thankful for good dr's. So I had my blood drawn 3 times in 1 week. In my hand none the less. It was painful and left a bruise on each hand. And they were sore for a few days. but when I look at my hands i dont really think about how big of a bruise that was left but rather wow i sure am blessed to get to have blood work drawn and the tests ran for free to find out what is wrong with me. I have a dr that really cares about me. We go to Interfaith Clinic because we have so little money. But they care as if Im paying them $200 a visit rather than $0 a visit. So it is nice that God has allowed Interfaith to be here for those like me who have very little to no money and take care of their needs. Also my meds i was given was given to me for free! So for Day 5 I am thankful for good dr's.

Day 6 is I am thankful for good quality family time. I love Sundays. This post was supposed to be for Saturday night but that is ok. I love to get together every Sunday night after a usually chaotic Sunday morning and spend time with my hubby, kiddos, and my in-laws. We usually cook every other dinner and the same goes with my in-laws although i think here lately my in-laws have been taking most of the bill as we have been going crazy with health and running around like crazy and also trying once again what to cook and what not to cook. LOL If people only cant have milk or any form of milk, one cant have seeds, alot of fried foods and things that will cause his flare ups for diveriticulitis (which we are still learning about) and 1 cant have red meat. kind of narrows things down a lot. but we adapt to the changes. As we do it together as a family. We have a lot of fun. I look back and remember when we didnt do this sunday night get together. We have been getting together for a few months now and it is great! I love it they are memories in the making! So for Day 6 I am thankful for good family time. I am glad that I have a good relationship with my in-laws. It's not one of those dreading...oh its the in-laws kind of thing. I look forward to spending time with them. :)

Gratitude Challenge Days 3 & 4

Day 3 is I am thankful for a house to live in. Oh I may complain about having to clean it or it's cold or it's hot but at least I have a roof over my head and something that i can call my own. A place that I can come home to and be with my family and come home to and relax. God has blessed me with a house to buy and not many can say that. So for day 3 I am thankful for a house to live in.

Day 4 is I am thankful for laundry. Oh i just love to do laundry NOT lol but I am thankful that I have my own washer and dryer and that I dont have to go to the laundry mat. I am thankful that i have laundry to wash. h boy wouldn't that be a sight to see :0 that scares me LOL. I am thankful that my kids and my hubby's clothing needs are met. No we may not have fancy clothes or even a lot of clothes but am thankful for the clothes that we do have. Again not everybody can say they are taken care of with laundry. So for day 4 I am thankful for laundry.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gratitude Challenge For Days 1 & 2 & UPDATE

This month, I’m participating in a Gratitude Challenge hosted by Brenda at Garden of Learning. The challenge is to write a post each day in November about something that I am thankful for. That’s 30 days of gratitude posts!

Because I missed yesterdays post on the Gratitude Challenge I am doing todays and yesterdays. And the challenge is to post something everyday this month that we are thankful for. Shouldnt be so hard as we should be thankful for everything as the Bible says so here it goes...

Day 1-I am thankful for God's Amazing Grace. I have always loved this song. when i was little because of the i grew older the words. I am thankful for my salvation and for God's love. and with those came God's grace. and He says that His grace is sufficient and He never lies. His grace is sufficient for me and for you too. Do you know Him as your personal Lord and Saviour? If you do not please feel free to contact me at And I will gladly share Him with you.

I don't know how that I would survive witout Him. He is there through my ups and my downs. And I have a lot of those and I admit that I ride the emotional roller coaster but if I look right next to me God is there right beside me helping me and riding it with me because He NEVER leaves me. And even when i ditch Him He is still waiting there for me. So as for day 1 I am thankful for God's Amazing Grace.

Day 2- I am thankful for my family. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful family and He has also blessed me with 2 hands when i just wanna up and slap them sometimes too LOL i'm just kidding on the last part...well

My family has helped me alot in my life. God blessed me with a wonderful husband and 3 beautiful rowdy kids. I love them all so much. My family supports me and they stick by me and they love me no matter how i treat them. Why? because that is what family does. I even have some pretty nifty in-laws so I have been triple blessed with family. :) So for day 2 I am thankful for my family. I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!


My hubby went to the dr and they told him that he has diverticulitis. It is a digestive condition. He has to stay away from a lot of nuts and seeds and things that cause his flare ups. Also fried foods has to be limited to moderation...which to be honest everyone needs to limit that right? but its more so for him. His colon and stomach is infected right now and he is on antibiotics to get rid of it. Prayerfully he will start to be feeling better once those are gone. he also as meds for his flare ups. and he is on a steroid pack. Please pray that this is the true diagnosis and nothing more...the symptoms of diverticulitis and colon cancer are virtually the same. if these meds dont get him better then they have to do a colonoscopy to test for colon cancer. That terrifies me...

Me-well i went to the dr yesterday and they are thinking fibromyalgia which they gave me savella for. but they have to rule out so many things before they can officially say fibromyalgia. so more tests are in the future still for me. I am already premenopausal and i am only 24 years old. They also gave me neurotin. I can deal with the pain. I have been so far. I just dont know if i want to be put on those kind of pills right now with having early onset menopause. i dont want to take the chance of not being able to have any more kids. no i dont want or need anymore right now but in a year and a half or so i want to be able to have another one if i can. plus i hate taking pills...i know that i am being a whine bag about it but it is still my thoughts...i am going to be praying over this really really hard the next few days...I am in a lot of pain but i can deal with it if i need to...i have been so far. I just want to know what is wrong with me...Also one of the test they are testing me is my vitamin D level...hmm....

Well that is it for today i have a lot of things that i need to get done at my house and then start working on the christmas program! So excited about it!
