Tuesday, October 4, 2011

God Will Make This Trial A Blessing...

Well its been a few weeks since i have updated. So here it goes...

I ended up losing the baby and having a D&C and having me cervix stitched. I dont know why I had to have it stitched that is just what the dr told us. We do know for 100% that we lost the baby because I had B+ blood and the baby had B- which they said is uncommon and its usually the other way around where the mother had negative blood and the baby has positive. What made it even more unusual was the fact that jonathan has O+ blood so both parents having positive blood and the baby having negative is really rare and the chances of it happening again is rare. That is what we were told anyways.
I really am ok. I am much stronger than what people give me credit for. I am so ready to get back to working nursery again and serving God again. Sitting around doing nothing while everyone else is doing stuff drives me crazy! LOL it really just bothers me. If i say that my heart dont still hurt i would be lying but my 3 little munchkins are very therapeutic and they make me see what I have rather then focusing on what I dont have. There are those who say "take a break from nursery" or "give your heart time to heal" but what those dont understand is the longer i stay away the longer it will take my heart to heal. I cant run away from my 3 babies so I cant run away from serving God in an area that I love to serve in. Yes...I lost a baby and it hurts but God is going to make this trial a blessing just like He has in any other trial that He let me go through. I am putting my faith and trust in Him to do so. I love my nursery kids and i love my own kids and my family and running away from it wont do me any good at all. No i did not know about the baby but the thought of losing it hurts all the same as if i had known. But at the same time letting the hurt control me wont do any good for me. Proverbs 17:22 and Romans 8:28 helps get me past it and then looking at what God has given me sure helps. God mends broken hearts and I trust that He has a purpose of why i went through what I went through. God will see me through this as well. That is so comforting to me. So when I say I am ok I really am ok. And those moments I want to cry God will help me be ok then too. He cares and He loves me and He has blessed me with a wonderful family and friend. :)

Having said all that My brother in law has been having tests ran and he has a few more to still have done. Please continue to pray for Him. God is seeing us and his parents and Him through this trial as well. Thankfully we heard good results. Were they perfect and did they come back saying that nothing was wrong and everything was all hunky dory? no but He doesnt have cancer and He doesnt Have the heart condition where he will drop dead for playing basketball so in my opinion that is great news! I was so scared of those 2 comebacks but they ruled them out. I know that they were 2 very big possibilities. He does have asthma and high blood pressure and we dont much after that and he can resume all the normal teen activities and he doesnt have to be a bum anymore LOL i understand how he felt cuz i have had to be a bum the last 2 weeks and it just drives a person crazy LOL. We can be lazy when there is something to do but when we are told that we cant do something that is when we want to it the most LOL ironic i know LOL. God is sooooo good to us. He gives us just what we need. Totally praising God for His goodness and mercy!

You know it is crazy how we praise God when the going gets tough but when the going gets good then thats when we want to ditch Him. Its awful. I am praying that I dont do that to Him anymore. Sometimes I am not a very good friend to Him even though He never leaves me or treats me the way that I treat Him. And even though I ditch Him sometimes He is still there waiting to for me to come home and give me a big hug and hold me close to Him.

Well this saturday is my little red heads 3rd birthday. She has brought me such joy and happiness. 1 of my 3 little blessings. I love you so much Charity-Anne Love.

Well i hope that everyone is doing well! Off to spend some much needed time with my hubby. He is so good to me. He takes such good care of me and He is because He loves me and He wants to. Not because He has to. I love Him so much.


  1. Very good post and very good thoughts. I was praying coming home and thanking God again that Stephen is so much better than we thought. Still praying for both of you!

  2. Awesome post Jenny! I'm so happy to hear you are doing well! I can definitely see a huge difference in going through something like this with God in your life. I didn't have that when I had my two miscarriages. Oh, how different my life may have been! But, I have God now and it's so awesome ~ the peace only He can give!
