Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Torturing Myself But For The

Starting Monday (February 28th) i have been 30 minutes a day minimum and watching what I eat and i dont mean as I'm eating it LOL. I have been going to and it is a free site. There i typed in how many pounds i wanted to lose a week and it gave me how many calories i should eat in order to do that. And all i have to do is log in what i ate and how much and it tells me my calories and it keeps the total count and everything. It tells me how many calories i have left to stay under my maximum limit. Its a lot less stress for me. So far so good...this is day 3...

Every tuesday, thursday, and saturday my hubby is taking me to the Old City Park to walk (it has uphills and downhills...which is supposed to help in toning my fat thighs LOL) and MOnday, Wednesday, and Friday I walk around the trampoline or up and down our street (Monday and Tuesday was the trampoline while the kids played and today was up and down our street because Stephen came and watched the kids while I walked).

It has been really hard on me...My legs are super sore so if anyone seems me limping around a little bit...yeah its because my legs are screaming "but why" to me. I went from doing nothing to pushing myself for 30 min a day minimum...yesterday it was a whole hour...but overall i am proud of myself so far...i just decided that i was tired of my excuses and waiting for the perfect time or for whenever i was ready...i am never ready to torture myself. So i decided to quit making excuses and decided to use my stress and emotional problems for my adrenaline in my walking...and it has been helping so far. Eventually I will be able to do this with no problem and be able to up the minutes...but for now definately sticking with the 30 minutes.

Please pray that i stick with this...and PS my goal is to lose 20 pounds by July 1st :) thats my first goal and deadline so to speak! :)


1 comment:

  1. I am really impressed with how hard you are working,you will do it with the attitude you have. Keep on keeping on!
