Sunday, September 12, 2010

Unfortunate & Fortunate Events

So it all started the day before we got to start officially moving in to our "new" home. Tuesday, August 31st. My mother in law and I were hanging curtains and it was really hot in the house as we hadnt moved our air conditioner yet. Well my mother in law passed out from dehydration and from not feeling good and not getting sleep. Well...she passed out off of the bench and hurt her leg. We thought it was broke and so we called th ambulance and they came rushing to the new house and rushed her off to the emergency room! A few hours later we found out that her leg was not broke. But "all kinds of tore up" from what the dr said. Then she was referred to a bone dr. Well a day or 2 later i started learning how to drive comfortably in El Dorado. lol. I'm rather proud of myself because i am doing pretty good now :) So if anything good came out of the fall was that i am now a driver lol.
Anyways. Squish and I went to see Dr. Rivers and she referred her to a different dr. and rehab and hopefully they will pay for everything. We are still waiting to hear back. We seen the dr this past tuesday and we found out that her ankle has a chip fracture (she has a chip out of her ankle) and her leg has torn ligaments and cartiledge. CRAZY! she is in a lot of pain but she is a trooper and a stubborn one at that LOL but im proud of her.

So we are just about moved in to our new house and squish even is helping alot. We have a system going on. Jonathan and Stephen go pack it up and bring it to the new house. Squish separates it into different baskets for the room (she can do it sitting on her butt) and i go put it away. We are almost done. Well i better go for now as we are hosting our first family night tonight. Watching the dallas cowboys GO COWBOYS and eating the food hubby grilled! YUM! well keep praying for news on the rehab situation! thanks and toodles!



  1. Bad things can become good things and the house is taking shape and you are doing good with driving. Love ya too!

  2. Congratulations on the driving and the new house. Will continue to pray for your MIL.

    Have a blessed week!
